Travel plan

The University of Huddersfield recognises the need to address its transport issues as a component of its long-term business planning and Estates Strategy to ensure we meet our corporate aims and objectives as set out by the University Strategy map.

In January 2007, the University developed a Sustainable Travel Framework, which outlined the University's policy and commitment to transport issues and also committed funding to employ a Sustainable Travel Co-ordinator. A new Travel Plan was published in May 2018, reporting the results of the Sustainable Travel Framework between 2007-2017; outlining new aims and strategies for the 2017-2023 period. View the Travel Plan in full on the Policies section of the Sustainability webpages.

Key Achievements

The Travel Plan highlights the progress made between 2007-2017. These achievements include:

Aims and strategies

The second revision of the Travel Plan outlines six core aims:

This travel document builds upon the Sustainable Travel Framework, outlining strategies that will allow the University to expand sustainably. These eight strategies focus on:

Targets have been set for each strategy and we will work to achieve our objectives and targets with Local Authorities and Transport organisations throughout the academic year and until the foreseeable future.

Getting to the University

For information on how to get to the University click below

Cycling at the University

For information on cycling at the University click below

Travelling by Public Transport

For information on planning your journey via public transport click below.

Student Realm Pedestrianisation Update 2022

The University of Huddersfield Travel Plan 2017-2023 was introduced to provide a package of practical measures designed to build on our previous achievements and further promote sustainable travel choices amongst our students and staff. 

To increase the number of staff and students walking to campus and to elevate the importance of the pedestrian within the University Quarter.  The following items were highlighted on the travel plan: -  

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Maps show development of pedestrianisation & landscaping. Main spine North & South of campus fully pedestrianised with limited vehicle access; 2164 M² pedestrian area created from previous roadway. Hepworth park area created and main university plaza landscaped with planting & outdoor seating.
Student Realm 1
Pedestrian spine corridor between Laura Annie Willson Building and Harold Wilson Building – landscaping enhanced on route. Landscaping to University Road and canal £0.5 million
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Hepworth Park – landscaping and pathways across open space.
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Pedestrian walkways between Barbara Hepworth Building, canal, and Spärck Jones and Haslett buildings. Hepworth Park and Canal side Landscaping cost £1.25 million
Student Realm 4
Main plaza at the heart of the Student Realm. Plaza Landscaping cost £1.2million
The implementation of the University's Travel Plan promotes good practice for goals 3, 9, 11, 12 and 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The implementation of the University's Travel Plan promotes good practice for goals 3, 9, 11, 12 and 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.