We can’t wait to see you soon!

Register below to come along to our next Open Day on {{event_date}}

Study Level *
What year would you like to start your studies *

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We will send you emails, which may include social and digital ads, mail, phone calls and/or text messages/WhatsApps that relate to this request and support your journey to university. Find out more


We will send you emails that relate to this request and support your journey to university. Email also includes social and digital advertising via the University and its partners. Find out more


We will use your address to mail you information to support your journey to university. Find out more


We will use your phone number to let you know about information that will support your journey to university eg phone call and/or SMS/WhatsApp. Find out more


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To find out more about how the University of Huddersfield will process your personal data, you can find out more and read our Privacy Notice. If you have any queries about the use of your information, the University Data Protection Officer can be contacted at data.protection@hud.ac.uk or 01484 473000.

Thank you for booking your place {{contact.first_name}}

Thank you for registering to attend our Postgraduate Open Day on {{event_date}}. We'll send you a confirmation email with everything you need to know. We look forward to chatting to you soon, but in the meantime you can find out all you need to know at www.hud.ac.uk/postgraduate/ or email ask@hud.ac.uk