Activities for teachers, advisers and parents

We know how important the support students receive from teachers, advisers and parents is. We offer a number of events, talks and workshops to help keep you up to date with everything HE.

These sessions can be delivered in school or college or at the University depending on the activity type.

Contact us on 01484 472282 or

Activities Theme Teachers and Advisers Parents Activity Type
CPD programme Continuing professional development Online/in college
Effective UCAS reference writing The application process Online/in college
Parents information evening Higher Education preparation On campus event/activity
Student fees and finance Student finance Presentation
The Progression Module Higher Education preparation Taught course 

CPD Programme

Type of activity Presentation/webinar/workshop
Location On campus/in school or college/online
Number of participants Variable
Duration Variable
Target audience Teachers/Advisers

The programme enables teachers and advisers to update their knowledge on subject areas, industry developments, progression to HE, careers and employability, as well as education leadership and management themes.


Effective UCAS reference writing

Type of activity Interactive workshop
Location School/College
Number of participants 20
Duration 60 minutes
Target audience Teachers/advisers

This workshop includes:

Teachers and Advisers will be able to appreciate the importance of references, understand what information admissions tutors are looking for, follow a guide on what to/not to include in references and learn how to produce effective references.


Parents information evening

Type of activity Presentations and subject information stands 
Location On campus
Number of participants Variable
Duration Variable

Organised in conjunction with Calderdale and Kirklees Careers, for Calderdale and Kirklees parents.

Information stands on careers and courses as well as a programme of presentations covering why go to university, a parent’s guide to Higher Education and student fees and financial support.


Student fees and finance

Type of activity Presentation
Location School/College or on campus
Number of participants 15 minimum - maximum venue capacity
Duration 30 minutes
Target audience Teachers, advisers and parents

This presentation covers all aspects of student finance including tuition fees, loans and grants.

Content includes:

Parents, teachers and advisers will be able to understand financial terminology, understand what the costs are and what financial support is available.‌


The Progression Module