Parents and carers

Information for parents and carers of prospective students

Going to university is an exciting time. It marks a big life change, not just for students but also for their parents or carers and can at times can seem like a complicated and overwhelming decision to make.

Rest assured, in this area of our website you’ll find information to guide you through the process so you know what to do and when. You’ll also discover useful information that will help you to provide the best support you can.

Remember, you’re not on your own: there’s a large amount of advice available via school staff, careers advisers, external agencies and universities who want your son or daughter to make the right choice for them and an informed one.


Parents' Information Evenings

Would you like to know more about university and how you can help you son/daughter through the application process? The University of Huddersfield invites you to a free Parents' Information Evening to guide you and your family through the process. 

To book onto one of the on-campus or online events, please use the links below:

Wednesday 30th April (online) - BOOK NOW

Thursday 1st May - BOOK NOW

Parents' Information Evenings

Activities for teachers etc

Parents' information evenings

Our Parents’ Information Evenings are designed to support parents/carers of Year 12 and Year 1 college students through the Higher Education process, irrespective of the universities they're considering.

a student working

Online Parents' Information Evening

Our online Parents’ Information Evenings are designed to support parents/carers of Year 12 and Year 1 college students through the Higher Education process, irrespective of the universities they're considering.

How to apply

Find out more information about how to apply to university

Student Support

There is a comprehensive network of support for your son or daughter to access at the University of Huddersfield should they need help.

The application process

What happens and when? Timeline of what the student should be doing through the course of the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions you might have about university.


If your son/daughter is moving away from home, they need to investigate what student accommodation is available in the area.

Fees and finance

Everything you need to know about tuition fees, student loans and payment information.

Tips for parents and carers

Our top ten tips to help you help your daughter or son through higher education.

Jargon buster

Like every other area of life, Higher Education has its own distinct terminology and jargon.

Supporting success at Huddersfield

Families and friends can make a big difference to student success, providing emotional and practical support during their time at university.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about applying to Higher Education or about the University of Huddersfield, please feel free to contact us on or 01484 473145.