Undergraduate Study

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Search for undergraduate, postgraduate, research degrees and apprenticeships.

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Open Days

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How to apply

Why choose Huddersfield?

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Cost of living

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Contextual admissions

Fees and Finance

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Students laughing in the lounge of their accommodation


HudLets, run by the Students’ Union is your go-to place for finding high-quality accommodation close to the University. 

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Fees and finance

Everything you need to know about tuition fees, student loans and financial support.

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Why choose Huddersfield for undergraduate study?

Find out why the University of Huddersfield is a great first choice for undergraduate students.

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Our campus

Our campus offers you fantastic facilities, from specialist labs, studios and performance spaces, to a modern library and computing equipment.

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Explore Huddersfield

Our current students and online community share their favourite parts of Huddersfield just for you.

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Careers and opportunities

Whether it’s joining a society, finding part-time work, enhancing your CV or getting support setting up your own business, find out about the opportunities that await you at Huddersfield.

Why go to a university Open Day?

There are lots of reasons to attend Open Days.

  • Find out how to apply to university through UCAS,
  • Meet the tutors and academics who will teach you,
  • Discover how to pay for university,
  • Explore where you can live when you're a student,
  • Learn about how getting a degree can help your career.

At a Hud Uni Open Day, you can explore our award-winning campus, low-cost accommodation and hear from students and teachers. Come and join us!

Book your place now


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The Students' Union

What is the SU, how does it support you, and how can you get involved?

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Student blogs

If you really want to know about student life around these parts, it’s best you hear it straight from our current students.

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Schools and colleges

The Schools and Colleges Liaison Service offers impartial information, advice and guidance about Higher Education.

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Read about our plan for a carbon neutral campus and how we’re responding to the climate emergency.


With over 200 courses across a variety of subjects, the University of Huddersfield is sure to have something for you. You can learn more about the subjects at Huddersfield below:

Find the right degree for you

What is an undergraduate degree?

Undergraduate, or Bachelor’s degrees, are the first level of degree in Higher Education. After you graduate from an undergraduate degree (a Level 6 qualification), you may continue on to postgraduate study (a Level 7 qualification), such as a Master’s degree. Undergraduate degrees usually take three years full-time, often with the option of an additional placement year.


Different types of undergraduate degree qualifications

The most common types of undergraduate or first degrees are Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc), but there are others such as Bachelor of Education (BEd), Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Bachelor of Music (BMus).

There are also integrated Master’s degrees, which combine undergraduate study with postgraduate study, such as MSci or MEng.

See the types of university qualifications and degrees explained.


What does Honours (Hons) mean?  

Most undergraduate degrees can come with honours, which is an indication of the quality and depth of study, such as achieving a certain grade or submitting a good dissertation. Honours degrees will have (Hons) after the type of degree, for example BA(Hons) or BSc(Hons).


Ways to study for an undergraduate degree

There are more ways to study at degree level than you think. Combine subjects, take a placement year, learn online, or even while you’re working, on a degree apprenticeship. Study in a way that suits you.

Open Days

See what Huddersfield has to offer by attending our campus and online Open Days.

How to apply

Here's what you need to know about applying to the University of Huddersfield.

Order a prospectus

Want a reminder of the important stuff? Our pocket prospectus contains the key info and sign posts you to all the detail online.

Sign up for our Undergraduate emails

Keep up to date with everything related to studying at Huddersfield. We’ll let you know when our Open Days are available for booking, send you helpful reminders of deadlines for applying, tips such as writing your personal statement, insights into student life and updates related to studying with us.

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