Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Our overriding ambition is to reduce the amount of waste we produce on campus and to ensure that any waste we do generate is dealt with in a sustainable and responsible manner. We have already committed to this in the University's Environmental Policy, which states that we will minimse waste and continue to take positive steps to adopt the waste hierarchy to: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Responsibly Dispose.
The Waste Hierarchy sets out waste management options in order of their environmental impacts, giving priority to the prevention of waste, while highlighting how we can gain added value from resources through re-use, recycling and recovery. View the Waste Hierarchy here.
For those tricky bits of trash check out our A-Z Waste Guide, or email us for further information.

Reduce and Reuse
Discover how the University is reducing and reusing its waste, and what you can do to reduce yours!
The University has a growing number of recycling schemes to cater for multiple types of waste.
Recycling on Campus
Unfortunately it isn't always possible to avoid or reuse materials, subsequently the following strategies have been developed to increase recycling and reduce the amount of general waste being sent for inciniration.
Bin the Bin!
The Bin the Bin Campaign was rolled out across the University in November 2016, introducing centralised waste recycling points across all University buildings. These centralised recycling points replaced individual waste bins that were previously located in classrooms, lecture theatres and under desks. This initiative helps the University to reduce the amount of general waste, and maximise the volume of Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR). Furthermore, this scheme has also dramatically reduced the amount of plastic bin bags used and disposed of!
Milk Bottles...
A new initiative to increase recycling across the University’s catering outlets has been introduced to encourage the recycling of plastic bottles. As part of this scheme a separate bin has been provided to catering outlets exclusively for plastic bottles. This ensures that all plastic milk bottles are being recycled, as opposed to being disposed of in general waste.
Coffee Grounds...
2019 has seen the implementation of a new scheme to recycle waste coffee grounds across the University’s catering outlets. These coffee grounds are being used across campus for composting and as a fertiliser by our Grounds Maintenance Team, as well as by the Students Union Allotment and Garden Society (formally known as HarvestHud) at Storthes Hall Park. The use of coffee grounds on our landscaped areas has an array of benefits including increased plant growth and health, as well as improved soil health.
Before the initiative was implemented, over 300kg of coffee waste was generated each week across the universities 12 catering outlets, with over 88,000 cups of coffee sold annually. This waste was sent for incineration along with the rest of the general waste from campus, at a cost for the university and generating carbon in the process. This is therefore a great initiative both environmentally and economically for the University.
Paper and Cardboard...
In September 2017 a new contract with Sonoco Alcore introduced 2 cardboard skips to the University, encouraging departments to flatten their cardboard and place it in to the skips as opposed to the dry mixed recycling bins. This segregation of cardboard removed over 26,000kg of cardboard last year alone! The success of this new waste stream has encouraged us to begin rolling out a new scheme across offices in the University, where staff members segregate their paper and cardboard waste at source. Although this has only been introduced across two buildings on campus we have already seen a big difference in our recycling figgures and are excited to see the effect this has when expanded across the whole University estate!
Across campus little pink pods have appeared... These pink pods are made from recycled chewing gum and are used to collect used chewing gum on campus. Once full these GumDrops are taken away and recycled into new products, including pencils, rulers, wellies and lunch boxes!
Food Waste
A new scheme has also reduced the amount of food waste that enters our general waste. Any food waste generated in the University's kitchen that cannot be frozen or donated is now taken away in speacialist receptacles to a plant in Doncaster where it undergoes a proccess called anaerobic degestion. This process biologically breaks down organic matter, transforming the liquid produced into a bio-fertiliser to be used in agricultural processes.
Battery Recycling
The University has partenered up with the Battery Back Scheme to allow staff and students to recycle portable household-style batteries on campus. Batteries are classed as hazardous waste and should not be placed in normal waste bins. The battery bins can take any sixe of waste portable battery, and both rechargable and non-rechargable versions, including but not exclusive to:
- AAA, AA, C and D
- Buttin cell batteries
- Portable batteries
- laptop and mobile phone batteries
Some portable batteries contain hazardous materials, however they are safe if handled correctly. Discarded batteries can also present a very small risk of fire and source of ignition. Please follow these simple instructions to stay safe:
- Ensure all batteries are fully discharged
- Insulate terminals on all lithium based batteries and batteries that could short circuit (i.e. cover with selotape)
- Keep batteries dry and away from sources of heat
- Store away from combustible or flammable materials
- Do not put damaged or leaking batteries in the container
- Do not put any items other than batteries in the container
There are multiple battery drop off location across campus, check here for your nearest bin.
Reducing and Reusing on Campus
The University has made a conscious effort to reduce and reuse the materials used on campus, take a look at some of the examples below:
- In a bid to reduce food waste catering have introduced the Great Friday Giveaway, an event that takes place every Friday after 1pm where food is sold at half price from the salad bar in International Kitchen.
- Cleaning Services have replaced disposable cloths and mop heads with re-usable ones, which wash around 500 times before they need replacing!
- The kitchen returns all plastic mushroom tubs to be reused.
- Old pallets are being upcycled by our grounds maintenance team into fencing around the compost area on the University estate.
- The new cafe in the Sovereign Bath House will offer the first disposable free experience on campus. In-house food and drink beverages will only be served on crockery, while take-outs will only be available to customers who bring their own reusable mugs or containers.
How can you reduce and reuse?
Here are a few hints and tips to help you cut down the waste you generate...
- Bring your own bottle or mug: The University is proud to serve Yorkshire Water, has installed multiple water coolers across campus, check the map here for your nearest cooler. Across all catering outlets on campus you will be rewarded with a 20p discount every time you use your own travel mug!
- Say no to the straw! (Or take you own reusable metal straw).
- Shop local and bring your own bag, taking a cotton bag with you on your travels reduces the need to purchase plastic bags, while local shops generally use less plastic packaging than larger supermarkets!
- Invest in lunchbox containers and plan your meals. Planning meals is the most effective way to reduce your food waste, and also saves you money! Portioning up your left overs will also give you a tasty treat for you lunch the next day.
- Go paperless! Receive all your bills and statements online or via email and save paper waste.
Canal clean up cruise!
We are setting sail on the 12th July to pick litter from the Broad Canal by boat.
For further information and to book your place, click the link below.

Join the Estates 'Waste Guru' on the next 'Magical Mystery Waste and Recycling Tour', which takes you behind the scenes, to learn about the implementations that we have in place to manage waste at the University.

Undergraduate Pocket Prospectus
Our new Undergraduate Pocket Prospectus's use 65% less material per item than the previous version. They are also printed with the Carbon Capture Programme to offset CO2 emitted during the manufacture and distribution by planting trees in the UK through the Woodland Trusts Woodland Carbon Scheme.

Paper and cardboard
Find out how you can recycle paper and cardboard on campus

Hazardous waste
Find out what is classed as Hazardous waste, and the correct method of disposal.
The Catering Services team work very hard to reduce as much food waste as possible on campus. However the food waste which is produced is recycled in the following ways:
Food Waste
Please use the dedicated food waste bins. Please note that food waste also includes used coffee grounds and tea bags.
These bins are located in:
- Level 4, Student Central, International kitchen, Neo Pizza and Pasta, Cafe Central
- Level 4, Student Central, Starbucks
- Level 5, Student Central, Eco Eats
- Level 2, Charles Sikes, Street Cafe
- Level 1, Joseph Priestley, Caffeine Lab
- Level 1, Harold Wilson, No.10 Cafe
- Level 1, Sparck Jones, Espresso Deli, Weavers
- Level 1, Sovereign Design House, Toast House
The food waste is then collected by Refood, and recycled using anaerobic digestion, which turns the waste into gas and fertiliser.
For an overview of the processes that occur to the food waste at the Refood plant, please watch this informative video .
Pizza Boxes
Please use the pizza box recycling point in International Kitchen (Level 4
Student Central) for your empty pizza boxes. If not possible, please use the
general waste bins. Please separate any food waste and dispose of this in
the food waste bins.
Crisp packets
Crisp packets are made of plastic, not foil. They cannot be placed in the mixed recycling bins and must be disposed of in the black general waste bins.
Chewing Gum
Please dispose of gum in the pink GumDrop receptacles located across campus:
- Oastler Building, outside the entrance
- Outside Heritage Quay
- Behind Richard Steinitz-near the ring road
- Outside Charles Sikes
- By the Reception at the round about
- Outside the entrance to Lockside
- Outside the entrance to Haslett
The gumdrop disposal points help to reduce the energy and costs needed to power wash the grounds around campus, and keep the areas looking clean and smart.
Did you know?
The collected gum from the Gumdrops is recycled to create a range of new compound products in the rubber and plastics industry, such as soles for trainers, wellington boots, phone covers and stationary.
Coffee waste
Please pour coffee/hot drink liquid waste into the specific liquid waste bins around campus.
Please place used coffee grounds and tea bags into the food waste bins around campus.
You can find these bins located in:
Level 4, Student Central, International kitchen, Neo Pizza and Pasta, Cafe Central
Level 4, Student Central, Starbucks
Level 5, Student Central, Eco Eats
Level 2, Charles Sikes, Street Cafe
Level 1, Joseph Priestley, Caffeine Lab
Level 1, Harold Wilson, No.10 Cafe
Level 1, Sparck Jones, Espresso Deli, Weavers
Ground Level, Sovereign Design House, Toast House
Coffee cups
Coffee cups cannot be recycled at must be disposed of in the black general waste bins.
Please note there is a 15p charge on disposable coffee cups at all of the hot drinks outlets on campus (if you being your own cup there is no charge).
Follow the link to find out more about the Coffee Cup Levy
Coffee bean waste
Coffee bean waste is collected from the outlets over campus, it is then used by the Grounds Maintenance team to enrich the ground with nutrients in the planted areas around campus.
Did you know?
Coffee bean waste is a great natural slug repellent!
Crisp packets
Crisp packets are made of plastic, not foil. They cannot be placed in the mixed recycling bins and must be disposed of in the black general waste bins.
You can recycle the following waste metals in the green dry mixed recycling bins:
Aluminium tin cans
Please make sure your tins are empty.
Aluminium foil
Ensure that the foil is clean and dry, (if contaminated with food please use the general waste bins).
Metals (small items)
Please use the dry mixed recycling bins for small items (e.g. aluminium and
steel cans, staples).
Metals (large items)
If reusable, offer on the Staff Hub notice board for reuse within the
University. If not possible or unsuccessful, please contact the Estates
Helpdesk to arrange collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
You can dispose of the following in the black general waste bins:
Crisp packets
Please use the general waste bins. Crisp packets are not made out of foil, they are made out of plastic and cannot be recycled.
You can recycle the following plastic items in the green mixed recycling bins:
Plastic bottles (including plastic milk bottles)
Please make sure they are empty, squashed and have the lid on
You can dispose of the following plastic items in the black general waste bins:
Plastics (soft)
Please use the black general waste bins. (e.g. cling film, crisp packets).
Plastics (flexible)
Please use the black general waste bins. (e.g. yoghurt pots).
Plastics (hard)
Please use the black general waste bins. (e.g. CD containers).
Packaging should be returned with the supplier on request at point of
purchase. For large quantities contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange
collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
For small quantities use the general waste bins.
The following can be disposed of in the black general waste bins:
Plastic Folders
If reusable, set up a stationery box in your area or offer on the Staff Hub
notice board for reuse within the University. If unsuccessful or not possible,
put plastic or lever arch components of the folder in the black general waste bins,
and dispose of the cardboard body of the folder in the blue office paper and
cardboard bins.
For large quantities contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Please see below which types of paper and Cardboard can be recycled in the blue recycling paper and cardboard bins:
Cardboard (small amounts)
Please use the blue office paper and cardboard bins for small quantities
of cardboard. Once full, office bins should be decanted into the larger blue
paper wheelie bins in centralised locations. All cardboard must be clean
and dry.
Cardboard (large amounts)
Packaging should be returned with the supplier on request at point of
purchase. Where this is not possible, contact the Estates Helpdesk to
arrange a collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Paper (standard, waxy or glossy)
All printouts on campus should be duplex printed where possible. Set up a
scrap paper box in your stationery area for paper that can be reused and use
this as opposed to post-it notes.
Please use the blue office paper and cardboard bins for small quantities of
paper. Once full, office bins should be decanted into the larger blue paper
wheelie bins in centralised locations. All cardboard must be clean and dry.
*NOTE: if you cannot tear paper it may have a plastic film coating and
should be put in the general waste bin*
Paper confidential
The University has a confidential waste policy. All confidential waste should
be placed in designated collection consoles or sacks. To obtain collection
sacks or to make arrangements for large collections, contact Joe Byrne in
Procurement Services.
Catalogues and Directories
Please use the blue office paper and cardboard bins for small quantities
of cardboard. Once full, office bins should be decanted into the larger blue
paper wheelie bins in centralised locations. All cardboard must be clean
and dry.
Please use the blue office paper and cardboard bins for small quantities of
paper. Once full, office bins should be decanted into the larger blue paper
wheelie bins in centralised locations. All cardboard must be clean and dry.
For large quantities contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Christmas cards
Please use the blue office paper and cardboard bins for small quantities
of cardboard. Once full, office bins should be decanted into the larger blue
paper wheelie bins in centralised locations. All cardboard must
be clean and dry.
Junk mail and glossy magazines
Please use the blue office paper and cardboard bins for small quantities of
paper. Once full, office bins should be decanted into the larger blue paper wheelie bins in centralised locations. All cardboard must be clean
and dry.
Firstly, offer for reuse on the Staff Hub notice board. If this is unsuccessful,
or for any out of date books or journals, please dispose of these in the
Book Harvest boxes that can be found at the following locations:
• Charles Sikes Building- The Street Café
• Harold Wilson Building- atrium
• Ramsden Building- foyer
• Sparck Jones Building- Espresso and Deli@ Weavers
These boxes are placed for collections twice a year, please contact to find out when the next collection in scheduled.
Students can also utilise the book swap shelf outside of the Students’
Union (level 5 Student Central), in exchange for a small donation to RAG.
The following can be disposed of in the dry mixed recycling bins:
Set up a box in your stationery area for reusable envelopes. For envelopes not
in a reusable condition, including window envelopes, please use the dry
mixed recycling bins.
The following can be disposed of in the general waste bins:
If reusable, set up a stationery box in your area or offer on the Staff Hub
notice board for reuse within the University. If unsuccessful or not possible,
put plastic or lever arch components of the folder in the general waste bins,
and dispose of the cardboard body of the folder in the blue office paper and
cardboard bins.
For large quantities contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Envelopes (padded)
If not of a reusable condition, please use the general waste bins.
Laminated paper and posters
Please use the general waste bins.
Tetra Pak cartons
Please use the general waste bins.
Blue paper towels and hand towels
Please use the general waste bins.
Please use the general waste bins.
Find out how to recycle glass on campus:
Bottles (glass)
Please contact the Estates Helpdesk if you have any glass items for
disposal. A collection will be organised and the glass disposed of in our
glass recycling facility. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
*NOTE: Broken glass can be collected, but must be wrapped in paper and
labelled clearly*
Glass containers (e.g. coffee jars)
Please contact the Estates Helpdesk if you have any glass items for
disposal. A collection will be organised and the glass disposed of in our
glass recycling facility. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
*NOTE: Broken glass can be collected, but must be wrapped in paper and
labelled clearly*
Glass containers (from Laboratories)
Contact your School Technician for advice.
Fluorescent tubes
Redundant fluorescent lamps are collected by Estates for specialist
disposal. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
*NOTE: fluorescent lamps are classed as hazardous waste and must not be
placed in general waste bins*
If reusable, offer on the Staff Hub notice board for reuse within the
University. Under no circumstances should furniture items be taken for
domestic use and/or sold for personal profit.
If unsuccessful contact Allan Butters to organise
a collection by an approved reuse and renovation contractor. The
University’s in-house team may be able to undertake repairs.
If waste disposal is required, contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange a collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Please allow adequate lead time to make arrangements and ensure waste
is stored within the building prior to collection. Items should not be stored
Please dispose of electrical equipment in the following ways:
Electricals (excluding IT equipment)
If equipment is in working order, offer on the Staff Hub notice board for reuse
within the University. Under no circumstances should electrical items be
taken for domestic use and/or sold for personal profit. If you are a department
receiving a used electrical item, the equipment must be electrically tested for
safety e.g. PAT test. If reuse is not possible, contact IT Support who will identify
the appropriate disposal route.
*NOTE: it is illegal to dispose of WEEE waste in the general waste stream*
IT Equipment
This includes all computers, associated peripherals and cables. Contact
your departmental IT Officer (if you have one) or otherwise contact the IT
Support Helpline, who will identify the appropriate disposal route and make
arrangements for you. For full details follow this link: disposal of equipment
*NOTE: it is illegal to dispose of WEEE waste in the general waste stream*
Mobile phones
For redundant mobile phones contact your departmental IT Officer (if you
have one), otherwise contact the IT Support Helpline, who will identify the
appropriate disposal route and make arrangements for you. For full details follow this link: disposal of equipment
*NOTE: it is illegal to dispose of WEEE waste in the general waste stream*
Redundant desk phones are collected by Telephone Services for reuse or recycling of usable parts before disposal.
- If the desk phones are still connected and have a live line, then Telephone Services need to be contacted to ask telephone services to come and disconnect/remove/dispose of accordingly.
- If staff have desk phones that have already been disconnected, then they can log a ticket with IT support for an IT Disposal\WEEE collection.
*NOTE: it is illegal to dispose of WEEE waste in the general waste stream*
Please use the dedicated battery recycling bins on campus:
Batteries (domestic)
Please use the battery recycling bins for all portable batteries (e.g. AAA,
AA, C, D, button cell, laptop, mobile phone, camera and portable power
tool batteries).
Bins are located in:
- Student Central, near i-Point
- Schwann Building, Library entrance
- Charles Sikes Building, reception
- Bronte Lecture Theatres, entrance foyer
- Sparck Jones Building, foyer
*NOTE: Batteries are now classed as hazardous waste and should not be
placed in general waste bins*
Batteries (large)
This includes all large, industrial batteries containing lithium, cadmium,
mercury and lead acid (e.g. car batteries). Contact your School Technician to
check if you have a specific procedure in your area.
Otherwise contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
*NOTE: Batteries are classed as hazardous waste and should not be placed
in general waste bins*
Ink Cartridges (from desktop printers)
The University stationery supplier Lyreco offers a take-back scheme and
supplies collection boxes for used cartridges to be taken away for recycling.
Contact the person responsible for ordering cartridges in your department
to find out the arrangements in your area.
To set up a new collection scheme for your department - when you place an
order with Lyreco select the product code for collections from their
Contact Joe Byrne in Procurement Services for further information.
Hazardous waste must be disposed in specific ways as per each type of hazardous waste:
All aerosol containers should be treated as hazardous waste (even if
empty). For example, those containing chemicals, paints, resins or
adhesives. Please contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange removal. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
*NOTE: Aerosols are now classed as hazardous waste and should not be
placed in general waste bins*
Contact your School Technician for advice.
Clinical Waste
Contact your School Technician for advice.

Vaping vessels
Find out more about where to dispose of vaping vessels and electronic cigarettes.
Wood can be disposed of in the following ways:
Wood (small)
For small items, such as coffee stirrers, please use the black general waste bins.
Wood (large)
If not reusable, contact the Estates Helpdesk to arrange a collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Pallets should be returned with the supplier on delivery. If this is not
possible, a collection should be organised for when the supplier is next
delivering. This should be organised at point of purchase. Where it is not
possible to return the pallets to the supplier, contact the Estates Helpdesk
to arrange collection. To do this please log a job for collection via Estates online, or contact the helpdesk on; 01484 472550.
Both single use and refillable vaping vessels and e-cigarettes can be disposed of in the vape disposal point, located outside of the University's Student's Union shop.
The waste vapes and e-cigarettes are collected by the locally based company 'Waste Experts'. They are cleaned to remove the eliquid (which is a hazardous waste as it contains nicotine), this prevents the risk of the liquid seeping into the environment (which can contaminate soil and water when the vapes are commonly disposed of in landfill). The vapes are then dismantled and various parts are recycled. The reuse of the parts of the vapes reduces the pressure of natural resources such as lithium (used for batteries) being overmined.
Clothing and Textiles
Clothes that are in good condition can be offered for reuse on student
and staff networks such as the Staff Hub notice board.
Alternatively donate them to local charity shops or textile banks.
There is a British Heart Foundation donation bank located in the Students’ Union, Level 5, Student Central.
Recycling packaging with University suppliers
The University Computing and Library Services (CLS) purchase IT equipment every year where spend can reach in the region of £2 million plus. This amount of spend involves purchasing a high quantity of IT items and in turn generates a considerable amount of cardboard, polystyrene and foam waste from the packaging.
In previous years much of this waste was left to the University to dispose of and often would incur a cost. However CLS have now worked with their key supplier ‘STONE Computers’, renegotiated terms under contract agreements and STONE now take the all the packaging (cardboard, polystyrene and foam waste) at no cost to the University. They even take packaging from equipment purchased from other suppliers. This is hugely beneficial to the University as it has reduced costs and waste storage for the University and contributes to the University’s sustainability agenda.
Is this something you could do with any of your suppliers?
Please speak to the sustainability team if you would like any advice on pushing back packaging and helping to recycle more on campus;