", "buttontext" : "Find out more", "buttonlink" : "/open-days/postgraduate/" } },"International" : {"title" : "International","link" : "/international/","children" : [{"title" : "Our global community","link" : "/international/your-global-community/"},{"title" : "Connect with your regional officer","link" : "/international/connect-with-your-regional-officer/"},{"title" : "Applicants ","link" : "/international/applicants/"},{"title" : "International Arrival and Enrolment ","link" : "/international/leaving-for-the-uk/"},{"title" : "Meet Us","link" : "/international/meet-us/"},{"title" : "International Information Day","link" : "/international/international-information-day/"},{"title" : "Chat with our students","link" : "/chat-with-our-students/"},{"title" : "Visa and Immigration","link" : "/international/immigration/"},{"title" : "YourHud","link" : "/international/your-hud/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Courses and entry requirements", "desc" : "Explore our course portfolio ", "link" : "/international/courses-and-entry-requirements/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-language" },{"title" : "Fees and funding ", "desc" : "Discover our competitive fees ", "link" : "/international/fees-and-funding/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-money-bill-alt" },{"title" : "Applying to the University", "desc" : "For international students", "link" : "/international/applying-to-the-university/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-book" },{"title" : "Scholarships opportunities ", "desc" : "See if you are eligible ", "link" : "/international/scholarships/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-life-ring" }],"cta" : { "html" : "", "buttontext" : "Book Now", "buttonlink" : "/international/international-information-day/" } },"Research, innovation and skills" : {"title" : "Research, innovation and skills","link" : "/research/","children" : [{"title" : "REF 2021","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/strategy/ref/"},{"title" : "Ways for business to work with us","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/business/"},{"title" : "Research Impact","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/impact/"},{"title" : "Our academic experts","link" : "https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/"},{"title" : "Research strategy and governance","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/strategy/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Skilled people and training", "desc" : "Excellent training for staff", "link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/skilled-people/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-wrench" },{"title" : "Research degrees", "desc" : "Step by step help to apply", "link" : "https://hud.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-flask" },{"title" : "Institutes and centres", "desc" : "Interdisciplinary research", "link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/institutes-centres/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-university" },{"title" : "The Graduate School", "desc" : "Enhance your potential", "link" : "https://students.hud.ac.uk/grad/graduate-school/", "rank" : "5", "icon" : "fas fa-graduation-cap" }],"cta" : { "html" : "\n
We know a lot about what helps students get the best degree results and the best employment outcomes.
Everyone is different and everyone's circumstances are different, but there is national research, as well as research that we have done about our own students, that tells us what kinds of behaviours seem to go hand in hand with success.
High attendance is crucial to student success. Students who miss classes do not do as well as those who attend.
Students are more likely to learn from the lecture, seminar, lab session or workshop if they have done their background reading.
Regular and disciplined independent study time is essential in order to succeed.
Independent study spaces might be in:
There will be times where there will be intensive long hours needed to completed work. Even if the day at university is over, study time is still needed.
To complete assignments students need to know how to find the newest ideas on the subject, prepare balanced arguments, read complex information or formulae.
The library has around 357,000 books and over 500,000 e-books plus academic journals. There is an electronic database called SUMMON that helps students find this material where ever they are.
In the library there are 954 silent/quiet/group study spaces, 24 hour computer rooms open all year with 513 computers and 108 laptops ready to be loaned.
For more information about our library resources please visit the Library website.
Students need to be aware that they are responsible for organising their own study times. This planning will become very important so that work does not pile up and they know when deadlines happen. It is much, much harder to do assignments and projects at the last minute at university level. There are many sources of support to access. Each student has a Personal Academic Tutor, who they will be allocated to, and we recommend a proactive approach in meeting and responding to messages from this tutor.
Study is done in modules. Often a few modules run at the same time across the timetable, so the student may be doing several modules at a time.