
We recognise the value of establishing a meaningful connection with students early in the decision making process involved in applying to university. Our aim is to share our passion and expertise around the subjects we teach to help students reach a considered and informed choice about their future study.

Through our dedicated team of academic, support staff and student ambassadors we offer a wide range of subject-specific activities. Whether you’re an individual considering university as an option, or a teacher looking to arrange activities for your students or colleagues, we have something to engage and inspire. We look forward to seeing you soon!

If you are interested in booking an appropriate drama taster session for your students, whether that be online or face to face at your school or college please contact our English Language, Linguistics and Modern Languages  Recruitment Tutor, Matt Evans via m.evans@hud.ac.uk to discuss your requirements.

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All workshops will take the form of live online presentations with accompanying worksheets for students to complete. They allow students to find out all about our courses and gain an insight into what it’s like to study at university.


A Level Teachers Symposium

Find out more about our English Language and Linguistics A Level Teachers Symposium.

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Open Days

Come along to one of our open days to get a feel for life on campus, take a tour, or meet our staff and students.


Course Finder

To view our course finder click below