QA and validation guidance for PGR courses

QA and Validation guidance for Postgraduate Research courses

Provided below are a number of useful pro forma and guidance documents that aim to ensure a smooth validation process for Postgraduate Research degrees:

Document titlePro formaGuidance documentAdditional information
Validation Proposal Form  

PGR Validation Proposal form


If you have an amendment to an existing course or module or a proposal for a new course or route, please complete this form and submit to your School quality assurance contact who will progress it for you.  Please ensure you complete all of the fields.
Validation Checklist  


PGR Validation Checklist

Utilising this checklist throughout the document preparation process will ensure that consideration of base-line quality assurance issues can be minimised at the validation event,  allowing an increased focus on matters of pedagogical interest and concern
Inclusive Design Checklist   Inclusive Design Checklist  Please complete the checklist in the early stages of course design to support the development of inclusive course content, delivery and assessment design and strategy. This forms part of the University’s Inclusivity Framework for Course Design 
EdD PSD EdD PSD Template   PSD template for the EdD
MA by Research PSD  MA by Research PSD Template   PSD template for the MA by Research 
MSc by Research PSD  MSc by Research PSD Template  

PSD template for the MSc by Research


PhD PSD Template   PSD template for PhD 

PGR validation process

  QA procedures - section P Guidance for the PGR validation process

PGR Guidelines for alternative format

  Guidelines for alternative format research degrees Guidelines for PGR alternative assessment

Marketing Approval

  Marketing Information for Course Validation Guidance Marketing approval must be obtained before the validation proposal can be added to the schedule for all new courses. To be completed and submitted to Marketing for approval - confirmation is required from Marketing that there are no perceived issues. Some details included within this document may also appear within the rationale document.

Validation Principles and Guidance

  Validation Principles and Guidance Validation of new courses and changes to existing courses are governed by the University's Regulations for Awards and Quality Assurance Procedures for Taught Courses, the following guidance provides supplementary information for School Teaching and Learning Committees and School Validation Panels on the practical operation of these procedures.
Module Specification Document (MSD) Module Specification Template Module Specification Guidance The pro forma has been modified to include sections on tutor re-assessment and anonymous marking. Teaching and Learning Definitions have also been added.
QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)   Qualifications and Credit Frameworks This framework describes the achievement represented by higher education qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
QAA Characteristics Statement   QAA Characteristics Statements PGR course benchmark against the QAA Characteristics

QAA Quality Code, Advice and Guidance - Assessment 

29 November 2018

  Quality Code, Advice and Guidance - Assessment   

QAA Quality Code, Advice and Guidance - Course Design and Development

29 November 2018

  Quality Code, Advice and Guidance - Course Design and Development  
Distance Learning  APPENDIX G Research Degree by DL Approval Proforma  QA procedures - section Q  Guidance on the delivery of Research degrees by Distance Learning.
VAL1   VAL 1 For completion when a course utilises modules provided by another School
Responses to Conditions and Recommendations Form Responses to Validation Conditions Form.doc   Please complete and return to the validation event officer together with the revised documentation that should be updated using tracked changes.
Process guidance for virtual validation meetings   Validation guide for virtual meetings Please see the guide for information on how we have adapted some of our university validation procedures to support the remote working required during the Covid-19 emergency
Validation step overview     A step by step overview of the validation process for proposers.
CMA Guidance   CMA Guidance February 2016 The Competition and Markets Authority guidance document
CMA Risk Assessment   CMA Risk Assessment The Competition and Markets Authority Risk Assessment form
Validation Panel member roles and responsibilities    Roles and Responsibilities of Validation Panel Members Guide to the Validation Panel member roles and responsibilities
Exit strategy for terminating courses   Exit strategy for terminating courses Guidance on the University’s responsibilities and commitments to students on terminating courses 

If you have any suggestions for inclusion please don't hesitate to get in touch.