Transferring Courses Guidance
For the full regulation and procedure, please click here.
This is a big decision!
Changing courses can be a lot to consider and is a decision you should take your time making. There is lots of support available to you when considering this decision, all of which is detailed in the guide below. It is also important to refer to the full regulation and procedure documentation linked above so that you are fully informed on all of the potential implications of changing your course.
What do I need to know if I am thinking about changing my course?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the entry requirements if I want to change my course?
You will need to meet the entry requirements of the new course and there will need to be capacity on the course in order to accept you. You may be required to complete credits from your current course in order to transfer to the new one. If this is the case, you will be made aware of this during the transfer process.
If you want to change to a new course you will be expected to complete its full academic requirements. Normally you will be required to start the new course at the beginning. However, if you have earned relevant credit in your current course, you may be eligible to carry this over to the new course. This may mean you can join the new course at a different stage.
If the School feel there are any specific gaps in your learning to be eligible to transfer to a new course, you may need to complete additional modules before starting, or complete these alongside your new course. If this is the case, the School will make clear to you what you are able to carry over and any entry requirements which should be met.
I’m an apprentice, can I transfer to a different course?
If you are on an apprenticeship course, you must discuss this with your employer first. Please note that you are unable to transfer between an apprenticeship and non-apprenticeship programme. If you want to move onto a non-apprenticeship programme, you will need to withdraw from your current course and apply to the university through the usual route.
What about my student finance?
If you receive student support such as a loan, you are strongly advised not to change course without first asking your student finance body (e.g. Student Finance England) about its willingness to fund you when you transfer course.
Are you a sponsored student or studying on a student visa?
If you are studying on a visa, you must inform and obtain approval from the International Office if you wish to transfer course (or change research topics). The International Office will help guide you through the process and what it may mean for your UK visa.
Sponsored students must obtain the consent of their sponsor before proceeding through the process to transfer courses.
Any new offer may be subject to additional conditions which must be met before the offer is made unconditional.
What are the different types of transfer routes and when can I transfer?
There are two routes to transfer your studies internally:
OPTION 1: In-Year Course Transfer Guidance
All requests to transfer ‘in year’ (e.g. starting a new course during the same academic year) should be made before the final interruption to your studies deadline, this is usually the first week of May if you started your current course in September.
Who do I contact to transfer course this academic year(In-Year)?
Students wishing to transfer courses (who are fully enrolled/current in ASIS, the student database – ‘In-Year’) should contact the relevant Course Administration Team in Registry:
- Computer & Engineering:
- Arts & Humanities:
- Applied Sciences:
- Business, Education & Law:
- Human & Health Sciences:
- You will be sent an In-Year Course Transfer form, which will need to be approved by the Course Leader/Academic responsible for the course that you wish to transfer onto and the Immigration and Compliance Team.
- If approved by the School, the transfer will be processed and you will be transferred to your new course within the same academic year. You will be notified of this via email.
- Alternatively, if the School deems it too late for an in-year transfer or this is not possible within the constraints of the course for the current academic year, you will be directed to the 'transfer into the next academic year enquiry form’.
- If the School is unable to offer you a place, you will be notified via email.
OPTION 2: Next Academic Year or Intake Course Transfer Guidance
The time of year you apply to transfer course may mean it is not possible for you to begin your new course until the beginning of the next academic year or the next intake for that course. The timings as to when you can join your new programme may differ from course to course and your School will explain their decision making.
If you are unable to transfer ‘in-year’, you will have two options available to you;
- You agree to continue on your registered course and engage with all aspects of the course, including assessments and examinations until the end of the academic year.
- You interrupt temporarily from your current course to re-join the University on your new course in the next academic year. Your current School will help you organise this. If you interrupt temporarily, it may affect your entitlement to student loans or other funding so please ensure you speak to the Student Finance Team ( to discuss the potential consequences of this process.
What happens if I don’t interrupt my studies?
If you do not interrupt before the final interruption deadline explained above, then you will be expected to continue on your current registered course and engage with all aspects, including assessments and examinations until the end of the academic session.
The Process and Support
Who do I contact to transfer course in the next academic year?
If you are a home student and you wish or are advised to transfer course in the next academic year, you should contact the relevant Course Administration Team in Registry:
- Computer & Engineering:
- Arts & Humanities:
- Applied Sciences:
- Business, Education & Law:
- Human & Health Sciences:
The Course Administration Team will provide you with a ‘transfer into the next academic year enquiry form'. You must return your competed form to
The Student Recruitment Team will then create an application record and send the application electronically to the new course’s School for a decision, with instructions on how to proceed.
- If the School proceeds with an offer, you will receive an offer letter via email. You will begin your new course at the beginning of the next academic year.
- If the School is unable to offer you a place, you will be notified via email.
If you are an international student and you wish or are advised to transfer course in the next academic year, then you should contact the International Office who will guide you through the appropriate process.
Who do I get support and advice from to transfer courses?
If you wish to transfer to a different course within the University, we advise that you follow these initial steps.
In the first instance, you should contact the relevant Course Administration Team in Registry:
- Computer & Engineering:
- Arts & Humanities:
- Applied Sciences:
- Business, Education & Law:
- Human & Health Sciences:
The Course Administration Team are located in the Harold Wilson Building, HWG/24.
They may also refer you to the Student Engagement Team, the SU Advice Centre, your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) or the Course Leader for the new course, if required. If you wish to transfer to another course as you feel you may be struggling with your studies, these colleagues will also be able to support you with weighing up the potential implications of this decision and what your alternative options might be.
- You should contact the Student Finance Team to discuss your fee responsibility. Your eligibility and entitlement for future funding may be affected if the new course has a different duration to your current course or if you have to repeat years.
- If you are studying on a visa, you must inform and obtain approval from the International Office if you wish to transfer course (or change research topics). The International Office will help guide you through the process and what it may mean for your UK visa.
- If you are on an apprenticeship course, you must discuss this with your employer. You cannot transfer from an apprenticeship to a non-apprenticeship course. If you wish to do this, you must withdraw from one course and then apply for the other one separately.