SECTION 7: Conduct in Assessments and Exams Regulation
You should seek impartial advice and support from the Students’ Union Advice Centre if you are unclear or require support on the information listed below.
7.1 General principles
7.1.1 This section applies to all our taught assessments.
- Your assessments will test your ability to meet the course and module learning outcomes;
- Requirements for assessments and exams will be set at the start of the academic year and you will be given adequate time to prepare for them;
- Some in-class tests may be set under exam conditions. If so, we will advise you of this well in advance of the in-class tests;
- The University’s student record system contains our official record of your assessment results and the decisions which follow. Results are formally published via the student portal. Any other communication of results in any form are for information only and cannot be relied on in the case of a dispute.
7.2 Your Responsibilities
7.2.1 If you attend an assessment under exam conditions, you declare that you are well enough to do so. In other words, you are telling us you are ‘fit to sit’, as determined in section 1.9. If you attend an assessment, we are unlikely to approve any claim for extenuating circumstances which you make later.
7.2.2 If you require any special or additional needs, you must notify Student Services as soon as possible after you enrol. You may be asked to provide documentary evidence in support of your claim.
7.2.3 If you submit a written assessment, or attend an oral presentation you are declaring that you are fit to do so. In other words, you are telling us you are ‘fit to submit’, as determined in section 1.9 it. If you submit work for your assessment, we are unlikely to approve any claim for extenuating circumstances which you make later
7.2.4 You Must:
- Attend exams on the set date and hand in assessments by the agreed deadline, and/or;
- Submit a claim for extenuating circumstances where you believe your ability to meet a deadline has been impacted (see Section 8)
7.2.5 If you do not attend an exam or submit assessments by the deadline, and you do not have an approved claim for extenuating circumstances, we deem that you have failed the assessment or exam.
7.2.6 When you submit work to us, you will receive confirmation that we have received it. We expect you to keep a copy of this confirmation note as proof of final submission.
7.2.7 If you hand in work late but within five working days of the agreed deadline, we will mark your work. However, the maximum mark available will be the minimum pass mark for that piece of assessment. This does not apply to the submission of assessed work relating to tutor reassessment, referrals or deferrals.
7.2.8 We expect you to maintain a high standard of academic integrity throughout your studies and this includes promoting honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. If we find that you have breached the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, then we will apply a penalty.
7.2.9 If you have an exam or assessment scheduled online, you must ensure you read the information and guidance provided by your School in order to comply with the correct conduct for the assessment. All online exams are subject to the same academic misconduct regulations as on Campus exams and allegations of academic misconduct in an online exam will be reported through the academic misconduct procedure.
7.3 Conduct in on campus examinations
7.3.1 You must:
- Be at the exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam start time;
- Report to the invigilator in charge if you are late. If you are late and choose to undertake the exam, the standard end time of the exam will apply. You will not be allowed to enter the exam room after one third of the exam time has passed;
- Ensure your student ID card is placed clearly on your desk to be checked. Where students may be requested to remove face coverings to verify identity, the University will ensure that such requests are handled sensitively, taking into account students’ desire for privacy. If you do not have your ID to hand at the exam, you will be expected to remain at the end for an ID verification and answer basic security questions. If you fail to attend this check, your exam will be classed as null and void and will not be marked.
- Leave all outerwear and bags in the designated area;
- If expressly permitted, use an appropriate calculator during the examination;
- Sit at the desk allocated to you in the seating plan;
- Complete and sign and seal the answer book placed on your desk or sign the working booklets on your desk and type your name and course title on the screen;
- Check that you have been given the correct papers for your exam;
- Write legibly. If you do not, the examiner may not mark your work;
- Raise your hand if you need to get an invigilator’s attention;
- Be accompanied by us if you need to leave the room temporarily;
- Remain in your seat at the end of the exam until all answer books have been collected by the invigilators or, in an electronic exam, remain seated until the invigilators have closed all electronic exams and the working booklets have been collected.
7.3.2 You must not:
- Bring mobile phones and other electronic devices capable of accessing or receiving information from internal or external sources and/or which have storage capacity to access information during an exam. This includes headphones. The use of headphones will only be permitted if they are explicitly required to complete your exam. If these are brought into the exam room they must be switched off and left in the designated area.
- Leave the exam room during the first third of the time allowed for an exam or the last twenty minutes.
7.4 Academic misconduct and disturbance
7.4.1 If you are disturbing other students, you will be warned by the invigilator. If you continue, you will be asked to leave the exam room. The invigilator will make a note of this and a report will be submitted to the Dean of your school for action.
7.4.2. If you are found to have breached any of the conditions listed in 7.3, you may be subject to investigation under the fitness to practise, disciplinary or academic misconduct regulations.
7.4.3 If you are suspected of academic misconduct during an exam, we will advise you of this. We will make a note of this on your answer book, remove it and give you a replacement. For electronic exams, your work will be saved and the electronic exam restarted.
7.4.4 The invigilator will keep a record of this on the invigilator’s report sheet and a report will be submitted to the Academic Misconduct Officer.
7.4.5 If you are suspected of academic misconduct after an on Campus exam, a note will be made on the answer book or working book. The invigilator will keep a record of this on the invigilator’s report sheet and a report will be submitted to the Academic Misconduct Officer.
7.4.6 If you are suspected of academic misconduct after an online exam, a report will be made in accordance with the academic misconduct procedure.