Regulations for taught students: Section 5

Thinking about withdrawing?

We would advise you to seek impartial advice and support from the Students’ Union Advice Centre, if you wish to interrupt or withdraw from your studies.

SECTION 5: Interrupting or Withdrawing or Transferring Course Internally or to another Institution Regulation


We would advise you to seek impartial advice and support from the Students’ Union Advice Centre, if you wish to interrupt, transfer or withdraw from your studies.


5.1 Regulation introduction

5.1.1 This procedure may be right for you, if you are considering interrupting, withdrawing or transferring your studies here at the University of Huddersfield, or out to another institution. This information is designed to help you decide what to do in these circumstances.

5.1.2 If you are studying with us on a student visa and you withdraw from your course, you will be required to leave the UK. If you decide to interrupt your studies, you will be required to leave the UK during the period of interruption. You should discuss your circumstances with the International Office before making a decision to interrupt your studies.


5.2 Interruption of Study

5.2.1 An interruption of study is the formal procedure which allows you to request a break from your studies in your current academic year.

5.2.2 It may be appropriate for you to interrupt your studies for a period of time due to personal circumstances. If you need to take time away from your studies for personal reasons, we will normally suspend your fee liability and temporarily pause our consideration of your results and academic progress. The point of the academic year you request to interrupt your studies may impact on when you return to your course. Your Course Leader will go through the following options with you and will decide on which is the best option based on your circumstances:

An interruption may affect your ability to carry forward marks for any assessments you have already completed in-year, prior to your interruption. The final decision rests with your Course Leader, who will select one of the following models:

  1. You return to study at the beginning of the following academic stage and you will complete the full academic year again, including all assessments.
  2. You return to study at the beginning of the following academic stage and complete the full academic year again, but you are permitted to retain some marks on your profile. You may need to resubmit other assessments. This may apply where you have interrupted part way through a module, the module runs over more than one term, or the module includes group work.
  3. You return to study at the beginning of the term you interrupted in the previous year. For example, if you interrupted in February and you started your course in September, you would return in January for the second term. All marks for assessments submitted up to that point are kept on your profile.
  4. You return to study at the beginning of the term you interrupted in the previous year. For example, if you interrupted in February and you started your course in September, you would return in January for the second term.  You are required to reattend part of a module(s) and/or resubmit work. This may apply where you have interrupted part way through a module, the module runs over more than one term, or the module includes group work.

5.2.3 During an approved interruption of study, you will be able to access advice and support from Student Services, Students’ Union Advice Centre, the International Office and other support services based in your school.

5.2.4 During an approved interruption of study, you should not formally engage with your course, attend sessions, submit work for assessments, attend examinations, engage with any research, write up your dissertation or project. If you interrupt your studies, your registration with us will be temporarily suspended and all relevant authorities (where known) will be informed. It is your responsibility to ensure that any sponsor or legal requirements are complied with before, during and after an interruption of study.

5.2.5 Examples of where an interruption of study may be appropriate include, but are not limited to:

5.2.6 If you are on an apprenticeship, an interruption will also require a Break in Learning and you must agree a Break in Learning with your employer.


5.3 Withdrawal from studies

5.3.1 If your circumstances significantly impact your ability to continue studying on your current course, then it may be appropriate for you to withdraw from your course. This might be because you cannot commit to return in the following academic year or you have decided that studying is no longer right for you at this time. Withdrawing from your studies means you will be leaving your course completely, with no intention of returning in the following academic year.

5.3.2 If you withdraw, you will normally be entitled to have any credit awarded for modules you have completed and passed before you withdrew. Where your total credit achieved meets the requirements for an interim award, you will be awarded this at the next available Course Assessment Meeting.

5.3.3 When you have withdrawn, you will no longer be considered a student and you will not be permitted to return to your course at a later date, without going through the standard University admissions process. If you decide you would like to study with us again, please contact the admissions team and refer to section 3.3 of the Regulations for Awards if you received an interim award upon withdrawal.

5.3.4 If you are withdrawn you will lose access to your University accounts within 24 hours of the withdrawal being instigated. If you have opted to withdraw from your studies or the University notifies you that you are being withdrawn, you will be given 24 hours in which to save any documents or correspondence that you may need from your University accounts, before the University formally withdraw you.

5.3.5 If you are planning to leave your apprenticeship course, your employer must confirm agreement for your withdrawal.

5.3.6 The date of your withdrawal will be based on the date you inform us, or the last point of engagement with online material or attendance on your course, whichever is the later.


5.4 Transferring to another course at The University of Huddersfield

5.4.1 Changing courses can be a big decision, which you should consider carefully. You should refer to the procedure associated to transferring to help you consider all of your options. 

5.4.2 If you are on an apprenticeship course, you must discuss this with your employer first. You are unable to transfer between an apprenticeship and non-apprenticeship programme.  

5.4.3 If you receive student support such as a loan, you are strongly advised not to change course without first asking your student finance body (e.g. Student Finance England) about its willingness to fund you when you transfer course. 

5.4.4 If you are studying on a student visa, you must inform and obtain approval from the International Office if you wish to transfer course (or change research topics). The International Office will help guide you through the process and what it may mean for your UK student visa.   

5.4.5. If you decide to transfer to a different course and you have earned credit in your current course you may be eligible to map this over using the APL procedure in Section 3 of the Regulations for Awards. 

5.4.6 Sponsored students must obtain the consent of their sponsor before proceeding through the process to transfer courses.  


5.5 Transferring out to another institution

5.5.1 Transferring out means you are considering moving to another University. You may wish to take credit you have gained with us to another University or you may wish to transfer elsewhere to begin a new course.

5.5.2 Changing University can be a big decision, which you should consider carefully. You should refer to the procedure associated to transferring to help you consider all of your options.

5.5.3 Having considered your options, if transferring to another University is the right decision for you, you will need to apply to your chosen University and follow their admissions procedures. We are unable to complete any applications for you or advise on the procedures of another institution.

5.5.4 If you decide to transfer out of the University of Huddersfield then you will normally be entitled to any credit you have passed before you transferred. Where your total credit achieved meets the requirements for an interim award, you will be awarded this at the next available Course Assessment Meeting. If you are eligible for an interim award, you may be able to use this to transfer into a higher level of a degree programme, as part of the Accreditation of Prior Learning process. Please note that this is not always possible and you should check with the specific institution upon your application.

5.5.5 If you are an international student you should discuss any move with International Office as your UK student visa is based on where you are studying and they can guide you through the process.