Community code of conduct
The University of Huddersfield is a community brought together by a common focus on education, where staff, students and employers work together to advance teaching, learning and the quest for knowledge. We maintain a commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom and the exploration of complex and sometimes sensitive issues informed by the diverse nature and background of our members. To ensure an accessible and supportive environment we aim to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding which embraces the diversity of our members and promotes respect for individuals.
To help maintain and develop good relations within our university community this Code of Conduct draws together the principles which underpin appropriate behaviour. The Code applies to all staff, students and employers when on campus, or online within a teaching environment, in addition to any social media interactions, on placement, study visits or in other circumstances where the interests of the University of Huddersfield are affected.
The following four principles form the foundations of acceptable conduct:
Respect and courtesy | You should exercise consideration for others. You should be respectful and courteous, and act towards others and their property as you would want them to act towards you and your property. You should arrive to sessions and meetings on time. You should also be mindful about the use of electronic devices in sessions, your social media usage and how this may impact on others. |
Professionalism |
You are accountable for your actions and should behave professionally and apply ethical standards to your work. |
Self-Control |
You should follow established regulations and procedures, use language appropriate to the circumstance, and be assertive rather than aggressive when attempting to resolve disputes. |
Community |
You should show commitment to the University, its mission and aims and, to that end, adhere to its rules and regulations, contribute to its academic and social life, and protect its good name. This includes your actions within the wider community when you are not on campus and any additional measures or restrictions which the University puts in place, in line with government guidelines to manage Covid-19. |
Breaching the Code of Conduct
If you display unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour you may be subject to disciplinary action. Please refer to section 12 of the regulations for full details on student disciplinary.
Examples of Behaviour Breaching the Code of Conduct
The following are examples of behaviour that we may consider to be unacceptable. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and these examples can happen both on and off campus and can involve members of the public:
Number | Breach |
1 | Academic or research misconduct |
2 | Disruption of, or improper interference with, the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the University. This includes interfering with or intimidating other parties involved in disciplinary, or other, proceedings and/or breaching the confidentiality of a regulatory process  |
3 | Breach of the regulations which students accept as a condition of enrolment |
4 | Behaviour which, in the reasonable opinion of the University, brings the University into disrepute |
5 | Breach of professional conduct |
6 | Conduct which may be regarded as a breach of the criminal law |
7 | Misuse of alcohol, drugs and legal highs |
8 |
Bullying, harassment or discrimination, including the use of discriminatory language (we use the definitions of discrimination formally adopted by the UK government, and other associated legal advice). This Behaviour can make a person feel offended, intimidated or humiliated if it occurs because of, or connected to, protected characteristics. Examples include, but are not limited to;
9 | Physical, written, or verbal abuse or intimidation, including in communications via social media or within an online teaching environment |
10 |
Sexual misconduct which relates to all unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. This includes sexual harassment or sexual violence. Examples of sexual misconduct include, but are not limited to;
11 | Fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty |
12 | Action likely to cause injury, impair safety or raise false alarm on University premises |
13 | Damage to property, including the placing of posters and signs, caused intentionally or recklessly, and theft or misappropriation of such property |
14 | Misuse or unauthorised use of University premises or items of property |
15 | Dropping litter of any description on University premises whether inside or outside buildings or smoking in unauthorised areas |
16 | Vexatious, reckless or malicious allegations against other students, staff or members of the public |
17 | Misuse of a student ID card |
18 | Failure to give your name and student ID card to a member of staff when asked |
19 | Failure to comply with a previously imposed penalty or instruction under any University regulation, policy or procedure |
20 | Unacceptable behaviour or actions as set out in other policies, procedures and regulations of the University. |
21 | Unacceptable behaviour when representing the University |