Quality assurance procedures: Section R

Section R: Delivery of Research Degrees by Distance Learning (DL)


This framework is to be used when Schools are proposing a new research degree for delivery by DL or in instances where, in the absence of a validated DL route, Schools wish to transfer a student to a DL mode of study.

The framework will apply in instances where no 3rd party is involved in the delivery (e.g., not a joint/dual award). The School will maintain full responsibility for all aspects of delivery and support for students undertaking a Research Degree by DL and the standard regulations in relation to Research Degrees at the University of Huddersfield will apply. The School will be expected to monitor the success of the delivery method as part of normal University processes.

To ensure that PGR DL students receive a comparable research student experience to those studying on campus, Schools will need to demonstrate the following:

Directors of Graduate Education will be required to submit a proforma signed off by the Dean of their School to request for approval by the Graduate School and University Research Committee outlining the proposals for delivery and support for students together with methods for monitoring the delivery by DL. This document will include:

The Research Degree by DL Approval Proforma, together with the supporting documentation will need to be completed by the Director of Graduate Education proposing the DL provision and it must be signed by the Dean of the School. Once completed, the form should be forwarded to Graduate Board for formal approval. Both the Director of Graduate Education and Graduate Board reserve the right to refer the document back to the School for additional clarification as well as to outline conditions of approval (where necessary).

Once approved the School may request course codes from the Course Data team and commence the marketing and recruitment process.