Quality assurance procedures: Section Q

Section Q: Criteria for the Selection and Appointment of Research Degree External Examiners


Q1. Standing, expertise and experience

All examiners should:


Q2. Close involvement

No-one in the following circumstances or categories should be appointed as an examiner:

In addition, no one in the following circumstances or categories should be appointed as an external examiner:


Q3. External Examiner – Term of Office

Careful consideration should be given to whether the same external examiner should be appointed for successive candidates of the same supervisor.

An external examiner for a doctoral thesis should not normally be appointed more than three times in any two-year period for each new candidate. Such examiners may also be appointed to examine master’s theses in the same period – eligibility to examine for doctoral degrees and master’s awards will be considered independently.

For Master’s by Research examinations only, an examiner may be appointed for a three-year period, and in that time may examine an unlimited number of master’s theses, as long as they meet the criteria for expertise and experience above. Following the three-year tenure, an examiner may not act as a research degree examiner for a five-year period. Individuals who have been, or are currently acting as, the external examiner for a University of Huddersfield taught course may also be appointed as an external examiner for a research degree candidate.


Q4. Exceptions

In cases where the appointment would be an exception to the above criteria, the Director of Graduate Education may appoint an independent chair or seek to ensure that other examiners on the team compensate for standing, expertise and experience.

All exceptions must be agreed by the Head of Quality Assurance


Q5. Termination of an examiner’s appointment

An examiner’s appointment may only be terminated prematurely in exceptional circumstances.

Any decision to terminate an appointment prematurely must be referred by the School’s Director of Graduate Education and to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) in writing, giving reasons for the request. The grounds for premature termination may include the following:

Upon approval from the Director of Graduate Education and the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise to terminate the appointment, the School should follow the Guidance on how to proceed when a change of examiner is required.