List of contents
Section A Committee structure, terms of reference and responsibilities
Section B Validation
Section C Guidelines for the validation of joint honours or major with minor subject courses
Section D The validation of distance learning proposals
Section E The validation of Non-credit bearing courses
Section F The validation of joint awards
Section G The validation of Short courses (Credit bearing)
Section H The validation of Apprenticeships
Section I Validation of Post Graduate Research Provision
Section J Quality appraisals and internal quality audits (IQAS)
Section K Subject reviews
Section L Thematic reviews
Section M Annual Evaluation
Section N Collaborative provision
Section O Articulation Arrangements
Section P External Examiners for Taught Provision
Section Q Criteria for the Selection and Appointment of Research Degree Examiners
Section R Delivery of Research Degrees by Distance Learning (DL)
Section S PGR Partnership Activities
APPENDIX A Guidelines for the operation of school boards
APPENDIX B Flow chart indicating validation of courses
APPENDIX C Validation and recruitment timelines
APPENDIX D Research Degree by DL Approval Proforma
APPENDIX E Module Evaluation Policy
APPENDIX F Guidelines on the conduct on the subject review compliance exercise
APPENDIX G Dean's Confirmation of Completion of Key Quality Activities
APPENDIX H Dual Award Cotutelle Request Proforma
APPENDIX I Cotutelle Flow Chart (Dual Award)