Regulations for awards (taught courses): Section 4

SECTION 4: Two-year no credit, Withdrawal, Interim and Aegrotat/ Posthumous Awards


4.1 The two-year no credit rule

4.1.1. A student’s registration for an award of the University will be terminated if two academic years (including standard resit periods) elapse without the award of credit. This includes if a student has interrupted for more than two academic sessions consecutively or if a student has outstanding deferral attempts or EC’s in place. The Course Assessment Meeting (CAM) will confer any interim award to which the student is entitled. In extraordinary cases, a student can apply to the Dean, usually within 10 working days of published results, for an exception to be made to the two-year no credit rule, but without this, withdrawal from the course will be processed as standard.


4.2 Withdrawal from your course

4.2.1. A student at the point of second or subsequent consideration by the CAM who has been awarded 40 or fewer credits for the current stage of assessment shall be deemed to have failed the course and lose any opportunity for further reassessment.

4.2.2. A student may choose to return to the University to complete the same course for which they were withdrawn, but must do so within six years of being awarded their last credit and any modules which were failed, required to be repeated, will be capped at the minimum pass mark. If a student is returning on a new course for which they have not yet studied or have not failed a module, these will not be capped.


4.3 Interim Awards awarded by a Course Assessment Meeting (CAM)

4.3.1. Students who do not achieve the award to which they aspire will have the appropriate interim award conferred where enough credits at the appropriate level have been satisfactorily completed.

4.3.2. Undergraduate courses designed to lead to the award of the Bachelor’s degree with honours will normally incorporate the interim awards below. Students who have failed and been withdrawn from their course of study, after exercising their entitlement to a second attempt at a failed module(s) but have enough credit to be eligible for an interim award will be conferred at the CAM when the student’s registration for that level of award is discontinued.

4.3.3. Courses designed to lead to the award of a Foundation degree will normally incorporate the interim award below. Students who have failed and been withdrawn from their course of study, after exercising their entitlement to a second attempt at a failed module(s) but have enough credit to be eligible for an interim award will be conferred at the same CAM as their registration for the Foundation degree award is discontinued.

4.3.4. Courses designed to lead to the award of postgraduate Master’s degree will normally incorporate the interim awards below. Students who have failed and been withdrawn from their course of study, after exercising their entitlement to a second attempt at a failed module(s) but have enough credit to be eligible for an interim award will be conferred at the same CAM as their registration for the Master’s award is discontinued.

4.3.5 Courses designed to lead to the award of Integrated Master’s degree will normally incorporate the interim awards below. Students who have failed and been withdrawn from their course of study, after exercising their entitlement to a second attempt at a failed module(s) but have enough credit to be eligible for an interim award will be conferred at the same CAM as their registration for the Integrated Master’s degree award is discontinued.


4.4 Interim awards and returning University of Huddersfield students

4.4.1. Students transferring between courses without taking a break in study will not normally be eligible to claim an interim award.

4.4.2. Where a student transfers courses but the credit obtained to date is not to be used for the purposes of contributing to the award of the course transferred to, then the student will be entitled to the interim award for which they are eligible from their original course.

4.4.3. Receipt of an interim award does not prevent a student from subsequently registering with the University in order to progress to a higher award, however the student will normally be required to take a break in registration of at least one full academic session.

4.4.4. As per section 3.2.1 of the Regulations for Awards, students returning to complete a degree at a higher level having previously accepted an interim award from the University of Huddersfield, must rescind their previous interim award to begin their new course of study.


4.5 Aegrotat / Posthumous awards

4.5.1. The cumulative nature of assessment under these regulations would normally ensure that sufficient evidence would be available to determine and confer an award irrespective of illness. Where, exceptionally, a CAM is satisfied that for illness or other valid cause, a student would have qualified for the award, an aegrotat award may be made.

4.5.2. An aegrotat Bachelor’s degree is unclassified and a student who accepts such a degree cannot subsequently be reassessed to satisfy the requirements for a degree with honours. No other aegrotat awards are available.

4.5.3. Any award listed under section 1 and APPENDIX ONE - Titles of Awards from within the Regulations for Awards may be conferred posthumously and accepted on the student’s behalf by a parent, spouse or other appropriate individual. The normal conditions of the award must be satisfied unless the course leader applies to Registry with evidence for an exception.