Regulations approval and ownership

Sign-off and ownership details

Document name:


Regulations for Awards

Version Number:



Equality Impact Assessment:



Approved by:


University Teaching and Learning Committee and University Research Committee

Effective from:


01 August 2024

Date for Review:





Head of Student Regulations and Casework

Owner (if different from above):


Director of Registry




Compliance Checks:




Revision history



Revision description/Summary of changes



1 August 2019

Removal of sections B and H – to be added to the Quality Assurance Handbook


Removal of all PGR sections – to be added to the new Awards Handbook for PGR courses

Removal of the section relating to peer review


General re-wording to clarify and emphasise the point of regulations



25 March 2020

Addition to section E of Regulations for assessment in periods of emergency



1 April 2020

Addition to section E of Addendum in relation to Covid-19



1 August 2020

Minor updates to formatting and language to make more user friendly.


1 August 2021

Throughout the Regulations
1. The regulations have been updated to include numerical references for each paragraph to help easily identify areas.
2. The regulations have been split into smaller more succinct sections for ease of reading. The sections are now numbered, rather than lettered to match the Regulations for Taught Students. Some areas from previous sections in the regulations have now been placed in different sections to ensure clarity and consistency for each process.
3. Where regulation processes are different for UGT and PGT students, these have been clearly marked throughout all sections.
4. The wording of the regulations has been revised where required to plain-English processes as much as possible.
5. Introduction of tables throughout the regulations to more clearly define processes, especially with regard to classification and grade boundaries.
6. Introduction of appendices for important information which does not need to be embedded within the regulations themselves.

Section 1: Awards
1. Removal of previous sections B1, B2, B2.1, B3, B4 (Regulatory Framework) – already exists in the Quality Assurance Handbook.
2. Section 1.2 Titles of Foundation, Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Postgraduate Master’s Degrees - placed in appendices to keep the document concise.

Section 2: Structure of Courses
1. Master’s with Advanced Practice regulation has been updated to provide clarity on when the practice component can be undertaken.
2. Clarification provided regarding credit requirements for integrated master’s degrees.

Section 3: APL
1. More clearly defined the term APL and have included the terms APCL and APEL to match the current terminology used in the HE sector.
2. Clearly defined parameters in which previous UoH students can return to the University with APL.

Section 4: 2 year no-credit, Withdrawal, Interruption
1. New section on the 2 year-no credit rule.
2. Clarification where a student has been previously withdrawn from the University and want to return to complete the course and whether previously attempted modules are capped or uncapped.
3. Included a section on the interim awards available for integrated master’s degrees.

Section 5: Assessment
1. Clearly outlined the fit to sit policy with exam attendance.
2. Revised and clarified ‘request for a review of a mark and grade’ process to make it easier to follow.

Section 6: Classification and CABs
1. Introduced tables and algorithms for the classification of each award type and clarified the use of APL within each classification.
2. Introduced a new section on the classification of apprenticeship degrees.
3. Detailed the uplift criteria for classification upgrades. Removed the criteria for ‘complex courses’.
4. Updated the role and purpose of the CAB in line with the Terms of References (appendix 3).
5. Clarified the process of when an External Examiner cannot make a CAB.

Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment
1. Introduction of tables to show grade scales for each award type.
2. Clarification of the maximum period of registration for FT and PT students in line with common practice across the HE sector.
3. Introduction of a progression table and matching text for UG.
4. Streamlining of the EC section – now linked to the taught regulation and procedure to avoid repetition.

1. Updated to include definitions for SAVP, PSRB, classification types, optional, core and compulsory modules.



01 August 2022

Throughout the Regulations

  1. Minor corrections.
  2. Minor amendments

Section 3: APL

  1. Minor amendments

Section 4: 2 year no-credit, Withdrawal, Interruption

  1. Minor amendments
  2. Minor amendments
  3. Clarification and information provided on apprenticeships and end point assessments

Section 6: Classification and CABs

  1. Minor amendments
  2. Clarification and information provided on apprenticeships and end point assessments

Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment

  1. Removal of PGT referral band
  2. Introduction of 75-credit rule for PGT students
  3. Amendment to rules for students studying placement or practice components on a PSRB course

Section 8: Emergency regulations – impact of covid-19

  1. Minor amendment to reflect the situation with covid-19 in 2022/23.


New definition for sandwich year course requirements.  


10 August 2022

Section 6:  Classification and CABs

  1. Minor amendment to 6.8.3 

Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment

  1. Addition of point 7.16

01 August 2023

Throughout the Regulations 

  • Minor corrections. 


Section 2: The Structure of Courses, Modules and Credit 

  • Introduction of Confirmation of Credit on Exit rule (CoCoE) (under 50 credits only) 


Section 3: APL 

  • Minor amendments to information regarding student’s returning to complete a degree 


Section 6: Classification and CABs 

  • Inclusion of regulation for the rectification of errors made at a CAB 


Section 5: Assessment, including Marking and Moderation 

  • Minor clarification of internal and external moderation processes  
  • Introduction of fit to submit 
  • Introduction of marking criteria templates (appendix 4) 
  • Introduction of Tutor Reassessment moderation activity 

Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment 

  • Removal of 75 credit rule for PGT students as this is not able to work effectively due to the way the majority of courses are structured 
  • Expansion on revocation of award process including appeal route 
  • Introduction of sandwich year progression routes 
  • Further clarity on Tutor Reassessment opportunities, including deadlines for submission 
  • Further clarity on the capping of referred modules 
  • Further clarity on PGT reassessment activity, with and without attendance.  


Section 8: Emergency regulations  

  • Minor amendment to reflect the impact of  covid-19 in 2023/24. 


Appendix One 

  • Minor amendments to course titles 

1 August 2024

Throughout the Regulations

  • Minor corrections.
  • The change of terminology from CAB to CAM (Course Assessment Meeting)
  • The change of reference to Schools in some cases where this will now be ‘course teams’

Section 2: The Structure of Courses, Modules and Credit

  • Addition of reference to accelerated degrees
  • Addition of consent needed from students to move to a new module (if changes are made) – CMA requirement

Section 4: 2 year no-credit, Withdrawal, Interruption

  • Clarity on returning to complete a course within 6 years of receiving last credit

Section 5: Assessment, including Marking and Moderation

  • Introduction of no marking past 10% of the stipulated assignment length

Section 6: Classification and CAMs

  • Inclusion of Module Assessment Meeting definition and purpose (previously called Pre-CAB)
  • Update of definition and purpose of CAMs (previously called CABs)
  • Update to the role of an EE for a CAM

Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment

  • Clarity on maximum period of registration and exceptional interruptions
  • Introduction of regulations in the condonement of a pre-foundation module
  • PGT students now to repeat a module with attendance akin to UGT students, instead of without
  • New addition of accumulated failure regulation

Section 8: Emergency regulations 

  • Removal of covid arrangements 

Glossary and Appendices

  • Change of terminology for SAVP – now Tier 1 Accreditation Validation Panel
  • Inclusion of EC definition
  • CAB ToR updated with new CAM and MAM changes