Regulations for awards (taught courses): Glossary
Term | Definition |
1st | First Class Honours classification |
2:1 | Upper Second Class Honours classification |
2:2 | Lower Second Class Honours classification |
3rd | Third Class Honours classification |
Accumulated failure | A module which has been taken and failed on two occasions is deemed to be an accumulated failure. You will not be permitted to continue with your course where this happens. |
Condonement | Recorded when a student has failed to achieve a pass mark in an eligible module but satisfies the identified criteria. The mark achieved is recorded but the credit for the module is granted without the student having to make good the failed elements of assessment for that module. If condonement is granted for a module, the student cannot appeal the decision to improve their mark. |
Course Assessment Meeting | The meeting at which all credit, progression and awarding decisions are made in relation to student academic profiles. Course Assessment Meeting is abbreviated to CAM (previously known as a Course Assessment Board). |
Course of study | A specified set of modules/subjects leading to an award. |
Core Module | A module which must be taken by all students on a particular course. |
Compulsory Module | A module which must be passed and is not eligible for condonement. If a student fails a compulsory module, they fail the course. |
Decision postponed | Recorded when a student’s profile is incomplete because CAM decisions on modules are awaited pending the outcome of referrals or deferrals or an academic misconduct investigation. |
Deferred (module) |
Recorded when either: a student has failed to achieve a pass mark in a module and has approved extenuating circumstances or a student has achieved a pass mark in a module and has approved extenuating circumstances for a non-submitted element of assessment. Deferral allows a student to repeat the affected element(s) of assessment for the maximum mark available (if taking the assessment for the first time). If taking the assessment or the module for a second time, the mark awarded for the module will be capped at the minimum pass mark. |
Delivery of a Module |
A module is delivered in a single academic session and this includes the main and all subsequent attempts in that academic session. |
Extenuating Circumstances |
Any circumstances that we approve through our personal circumstances procedure that might affect your ability to complete your work on time or to a level you normally expect or attend/sit a test or exam. |
Fail (course) | Recorded when a student is not able to progress having exhausted their rights of re-assessment or module substitution or when a student does not satisfy the minimum criteria to be eligible to continue on their course. |
Fail (module): Postgraduate/M-level Integrated Master | Recorded when a student has achieved a mark below the specified referral range for a module at the point of first consideration (the first available CAM) or a mark below the specified pass mark at the point of second consideration (second available CAM). |
Fail (module): Undergraduate | Recorded when a student has achieved a mark below the specified pass mark for a module at the point of second consideration by the CAM. |
Full-time Supervised Work Experience | The work experience needed to satisfy the requirements for a sandwich year is that the work must be full-time and for a minimum of 36 to 48 weeks. Full-time work means you work for a minimum of 35 hours a week. |
Initial re-assessment | Having taken and failed a module, a student may take the module for a second time – this is classed as an initial re-assessment. |
May not progress (decision postponed) | Recorded when a student profile is incomplete because decisions on modules are awaited pending the outcome of referral or deferral opportunities being retrieved in the next available assessment window. |
May not progress (repeat year) | Recorded when a student has not met the minimum criteria for progression but has achieved the minimum criteria to remain a current student but is repeating modules in the subsequent academic session. |
May progress | Recorded when a student has met the minimum criteria for progression between stages. |
Optional Module | If a student gets to choose an optional module(s) worth a certain amount of credit, the student can choose from a list of multiple modules which they would like to study to gain the credit required. |
Pass (module) | Recorded when a student achieves the minimum pass mark for a module. |
Professional Statutory Regulatory Body | Abbreviated to PSRB. They are external bodies which formally accredit, approve and recognise university programmes, setting standards for and regulating entry into particular professions. |
Referred | Recorded at the point of first consideration by a CAM when a student has achieved an overall mark within the specified referral range for a module which is not eligible for condonement. Referral allows a student to repeat the failed elements of assessment with the overall module mark being capped at the standard pass mark. |
Repeat module | A module being taken by a student which they failed in a previous session and normally requires completion as a second full attempt with attendance. |
Tier 1 Accreditation Validation Panel | Tier 1 Accreditation and Validation Panels have local level responsibility for approval and modification of course and module documentation and responsibility for recognition of prior learning. They may also have additional responsibilities delegated to them by School Board. |
Stage of Assessment | 120 credits which would normally be deemed to constitute one year of full-time undergraduate study as defined in the Programme Specification Document (excluding any trailed modules) or 180 credits which would normally be deemed to constitute one year of full-time postgraduate taught study. |
Substitute module | A module chosen by a student to replace an optional module which the student has failed at the first attempt. The mark awarded for a substitute module is not capped but the student will not have a second full attempt at a substitute module if it is failed. |
The Senate | The Senate is responsible for the consideration of the academic plan of the University, its associated academic activities and the resources needed to support them, and for advising the Vice-Chancellor and the University Council who are at the highest level of authority at the University. |
Trailing module | A module being taken by a student which they failed in a previous session. A trailed module normally is completed by assessment-only and does not require attendance. |
Tutor reassessment | Opportunity offered to a student who, having failed to achieve a specified referral mark in any assessment other than formal examination, may elect on a single occasion for each element of such assessment, to rework and resubmit the piece of assessment in-year. The maximum mark available for an in-year resubmission is the standard pass mark for that piece of assessment. |
Unretrieved Extenuating Circumstances (EC) | If you applied for extenuating circumstances (EC) which had been approved, but you submitted the work on time regardless and passed the module, you will be given an ‘unretrieved EC’ which means you are not given the opportunity to do the work again but we will consider your profile when awarding your degree. We will take this ‘unretrieved EC’ into account if your overall performance means you are at the borderline between classifications. |