Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses): List of Contents
Section 1: Awards of the University
1.1 Awards and titles of award covered by the regulations
1.2 Titles of Foundation, Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Postgraduate Master’s Degrees
1.3 Principles of awards
1.4 Conditions of awards
1.5 Admission to study
1.6 The conferment of awards
1.7 Information included on the certificate of award
Section 2: The Structure of Courses, Modules and Credit
2.1 Terminology of credit per level of study
2.2 The accreditation system within approved courses of study
2.3 Sandwich Degrees
2.4 Degree Apprenticeships
2.5 Master’s with Advanced Professional Practice
2.6 Credit requirements for awards
2.7 Registration for modules
2.8 Changes to modules within a course
2.9 Graded and non-graded modules including professional practice
Section 3: Approved Prior Learning (APL)
3.1 The University guidelines on the assessment of APL claims for enrolment on taught courses
3.2 Limitation on credit for prior learning and its contribution to an award
3.3. The use of credit previously awarded by The University of Huddersfield as APL
3.4. When and how to submit an APL claim
3.5 Time Limits on the use of APL
3.6 Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning (APCL) requirements
3.7 Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) requirements
Section 4: Two year no credit, Withdrawal, Interim and Aegrotat/Posthumous Awards
4.1 The two-year no credit rule
4.2 Withdrawal from your course
4.3 Interim Awards awarded by a Course Assessment Board (CAB)
4.4 Interim awards and returning University of Huddersfield students
4.5 Aegrotat / Posthumous awards
Section 5: Assessment, including Marking and Moderation
5.1 Assessment Regulations
5.2 Student responsibilities with submission and exam attendance
5.3 Marking and Moderation Processes
5.4 Academic Judgement
5.5 Marking Criteria
Section 6: The Classification of Awards and Course Assessment Meetings (CAMS)
6.1 The classification of Bachelor’s Degrees awarded with honours
6.2 The classification of an Integrated Master’s Degree
6.3 The classification of a designated Sandwich degree
6.4 The classification of Foundation Degrees
6.5 The classification of Postgraduate awards and other non-honours qualifications
6.6 The classification of Apprenticeship Awards
6.7 Use of the classification uplift criteria
6.8 The purpose and role of a Module Assessment Meeting (MAM) and a Course Assessment Meeting (CAM)
6.9 The membership of a CAM and quoracy
6.10 Module Leaders responsibilities for the CAMs
6.11 External Examiners responsibilities for the CAMs
6.12 Appeal against a decision of a CAM
Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment, Failure in a Module and Extenuating Circumstances (ECs)
7.1 Undergraduate and Postgraduate grading scales
7.2 Regulations on Progression for all Awards and Maximum Period of Registration
7.3 Progression for Students with Professional Practice and PSRB (Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies) Requirements
7.4 Full-time undergraduate progression consideration and failure to achieve an award
7.5 Part-time undergraduate awards progression consideration failure to achieve an award
7.6 Postgraduate award credit achievement and failure to achieve an award
7.7 Part-time postgraduate consideration of credit achievement and failure to achieve an award
7.8 Reassessment regulations for taught undergraduate and postgraduate students
7.9 Tutor Reassessment
7.10 Condonement of a Module
7.11 Failure in a module and timings of initial reassessment
7.12 Extenuating Circumstances (ECs)
7.13 Accumulated failure
7.14 The withholding of an award or credit for a student under investigation
7.15 Revocation of an award
Section 8: Exceptional Variations to the Regulations
8.1 Introduction and principles
8.2 Extenuating Circumstances and CAM discretion
8.3 Progression
8.4 Award
8.5 Alternative assessment
8.6 Complaints and Appeals
8.7 Post-emergency recovery actions
APPENDIX ONE: Titles of Foundation, Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Postgraduate Master’s Degrees (1.2)
APPENDIX TWO: Awards available with Merit or Distinction (
APPENDIX THREE: Course Assessment Meeting Terms of Reference
APPENDIX FOUR: UGT and PGT Marking Criteria Templates
UGT Marking Criteria Grid Template
PGT Marking Criteria
Useful information