Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) 2024

List of contents

Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses)


Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Section 1: Awards of the University

Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Section 2: Course Structure, Modules and Credit

Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Section 3: Approved Prior Learning (APL)

Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Section 4: Withdrawal, Interim and Aegrotat Awards

Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Section 5: Assessment

Regulations for awards (taught courses)

Section 6: Classification of Awards & CAMs*

*Course assessment meetings (CAMs)

Regulations for awards taught courses

Section 7: Award, Progression, Reassessment, Fail

Regulations for awards taught courses

Section 8: Exceptional Variations

Regulations for awards taught courses

Regulations approval and ownership

Regulations for awards (taught courses)



Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses)

Our Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) are also available within a single MS Word document:

Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses) 24-25