Regulations for Awards (Research Degrees) 2023
List of contents
Regulations for Awards (Research Degrees)
Section A:
General Regulations Governing All Research Degrees
Section B:
Regulations for the Degree of Master by Research (including MA, MSc & MEnt)
Section C:
Regulations for the Degree of Master of Philosophy
Section D:
Regulations for the Award of Professional Doctorate, Incorporating the Master in Research (MRes) award
Section E:
Regulations for the awards of PhD and EntD (excluding PhD by Publication)
Section F:
Regulations for the award of PhD by Publication
Section G:
Regulations for the Award of Higher Doctorates
Regulations approval and ownership
Regulations for awards (research degrees)
Regulations for Awards (Research Degrees)
Our Regulations for Awards (Research Degrees) are also available within a single MS Word document: