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" },{ "name" : "Student Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Sexual-Misconduct-and-Violence-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
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" },{ "name" : "Risk Management Policy ", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Risk-Management-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
", "description" : "
" },{ "name" : " Accessible Placements and Disabled Students Policy", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Accessible-Placements-and-Disabled-Students-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
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" },{ "name" : "Student Athlete Participation Policy ", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Student-Athlete-Participation-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
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" },{ "name" : "Remuneration Policy", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Remuneration-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
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" },{ "name" : "E-Scooter and E-Bike Policy ", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/E-Scooters-and-E-Bike-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
", "description" : "
" },{ "name" : "Carers Leave Policy ", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Carers-Leave-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
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" },{ "name" : "Management of the Affiliates Process Policy ", "path" : "/media/policydocuments/Affiliates-Policy.pdf", "keywords" : "
", "description" : "
" },{ "name" : "Regulations for taught students", "path" : "/policies/registry/regs-taught/", "keywords" : "The Registry regulations pertaining to students on taught courses including attendance, extenuating circumstances, appeals, fitness to study", "description" : "Reglations policies undergraduate, postgrduate taught, PGT, handbook, rules" },{ "name" : "Regulations for PGR students", "path" : "/policies/registry/regs-pgr/", "keywords" : "The Registry regulations pertaining to students on postgraduate research degrees including attendance, extensions, appeals, fitness to study", "description" : "Regulations policies PGR, postgraduate taught, PGT, handbook, rules" },{ "name" : "Regulations for awards (taught courses)", "path" : "/policies/registry/awards-taught/", "keywords" : "regulations for award including, regulations for courses, admission of students, assessment, extenuating circumstances and course assessment boards", "description" : "regulations for award courses admission of students assessment extenuating circumstances course assessment boards" },{ "name" : "Regulations for awards (research degrees)", "path" : "/policies/registry/awards-pgr/", "keywords" : "Registry 2021 regulations for award including, regulations for postgraduate research degrees and docorates, PGR", "description" : "Regulations for award, postgraduate research degrees, PGR" },{ "name" : "Quality assurance procedures", "path" : "/policies/registry/qa-procedures/", "keywords" : "Quality assurance procedures for taught courses and research awards 2019 including validation, major with minor combinations, external examiners and review", "description" : "Quality assurance procedures taught courses research awards 2019 validation external examiners" }
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