Games design company Ocean Spark Studios was launched by three students Zacqhray Cundall, Ellie Brown and Helen Andrzejowska. The studio is still going strong and was recently announced as the Huddersfield winner in this year's Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Awards.
The Young Entrepreneur Awards are hosted annually at the University of Huddersfield. This is the seventh year of the scheme and businesses from 18 institutions in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Durham and Northumbria received an award.
Find out more about the award-winning studio in the video, where you can also view the moment the trio receive their award from His Royal Highness The Duke of York.
Subtitles accompanying the video can be accessed by watching the video on YouTube.
Inspiring Digital Enterprise Awards (iDEA) are described as bite-sized challenges that help teach digital and enterprise skills
See the winning team chosen by the Duchess of York after she set this 24 hour year's design challenge
The University produces videos featuring research, VIP interviews and visits, guest lectures and more.