A Huddersfield geophysicist will join the first-ever, year-round expedition to the Arctic to bring clarity to the full evolution of sea ice floe dynamics, fragmentation and lateral melt

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Dr Byongjun (Phil) Hwang from the University of Huddersfield will join an international roster of scientists to embark on the Arctic's most ambitious scientific expedition to date, known as MOSAiC.  His research into the dynamics of Arctic sea-ice is being funded by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). 

In this video, he explains how the calculations used by the current climate model are based on measurements taken from the 'old Arctic' when the sea ice was thicker and slower-moving.   However, sea ice in the 'new Arctic' is thinner, moves faster and during the Arctic summer, the ice becomes fragmented, breaking-up into smaller pieces. Dr Hwang believes a critical new dataset is required in order to have a more accurate and realistic forecast on the future of our climate.

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