Ramadhan 2024 - Staff Reflections

The below reflection pieces were written by members of our University community - thank you!

 The month of Ramadhan in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, clear proofs and the criterion between right and wrong. Observe the fasts; glorify Allaah for having guided you, so that you may be grateful to Him - The Quran

For Muslims around the world, fasting the month of Ramadhan (pronounced ra-ma-dhaan) – one of the five foundations of Islam - holds a special significance.

Food or drink are not consumed during daylight hours, prayers are extended into the night and the Quran is studied and recited intensively. Ramadhan is deeply meaningful; an annual re-centring of the soul, a return to the purpose of life – prayer and gratitude. A month characterised by togetherness, coming together to break-fast, sharing food and spending time with family.   

Muslims are accustomed to going without food or water during Ramadhan, having usually learnt to fast from an early age and can generally work without requiring significant adjustments or exceptions, if not already on annual leave. Some may feel understandably tired in the first three or four days as the body begins to adjust. Offence is not taken if colleagues eat or drink in their presence, though it is very much appreciated, when they choose not to out of respect.  

Memories of Ramadhan…

Waking up a bleary eyed teenager at 4am, not wanting to miss the pre-dawn meal.

Completing my prayers, having struggled in the past.

Two former colleagues at Huddersfield Business School: we’re not Muslims, but we used to fast with our friends during Ramadhan!

Sharing food with my neighbours – even the grumpy ones would smile in Ramadhan!

Going to the Masjid in the evening and listening to the Quran being recited.

Longing for the month of Ramadhan – it always felt like a guest had arrived in our home – and feeling sad when it had passed.

The hour before the fast opens, when everybody gathers together.

Ramadan is not just about fasting from dawn to dusk for a whole month. It is much more and has many dimensions. The most important part form me is the spirituality and tranquility that it brings with it.

There is a noteable feeling of peacefulness and blessings.

It's a time for reflection, a reminder of our purpose in life and an opportunity for detoxification of the mind, body and soul.

We are happy on its arrival and sad on its departure, longing to experience it again next year.


Click here to view Ramadhan and Eid 2024 arrangements at the Jo Cox More in Common Centre.

Daily Activities in Ramadhan

The Jo Cox More in Common Centre will be open for staff and students who wish to break their fasts or perform the evening prayers (Magrib, Isha and Taraweeh) daily in Ramadhan. For the Ramadhan timetable and further info, keep an eye out for updates on the University faith webpages: Faith - University of Huddersfield


Open Jumu'ah

Friday 24th March 2024, 12.00pm - 1.00pm, Central Plaza

Join us for Jumu’ah prayers in the beauty of the open air, where we reflect on the message of Ramadhan, by celebrating the gifts of prayer, community and the vast opportunities provided by higher education. The Imam (Muslim Chaplain) will deliver an inspiring speech on the importance of charity, altruism, and community. He will guide us on how to cultivate these values, which are crucial for making a positive contribution to society and the environment, wherever we may be in the world. Staff and students of all faiths and backgrounds are invited.


Eid Prayer

Wednesday 10th April (subject to moonsighting), 10.00am, Jo Cox More in Common Centre

Join us in celebrating Eid-al-Fitr at the Jo Cox More in Common Centre to mark the end of Ramadhan. We warmly invite all staff and students to unite in gratitude, reflect on the month's spiritual journey and enjoy the spirit of our diverse community. Refreshments will be provided.


Help and support with Ramadhan related issues

Imam Muhammad is available to answer your queries or offer advice on all issues related to observing the month of Ramadhan at university. Get in touch by booking an appointment at https://hud.ac/n26 or sending an email to m.m.patel@hud.ac.uk.