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", "buttontext" : "Order your copy now", "buttonlink" : "https://www.hud.ac.uk/order-a-prospectus" } },"Uni life" : {"title" : "Uni life","link" : "/uni-life/","children" : [{"title" : "Chat to one of our students","link" : "/chat-with-our-students/"},{"title" : "Student Accommodation","link" : "/uni-life/accommodation/"},{"title" : "Explore our campus","link" : "/uni-life/our-campus/"},{"title" : "Supporting you through your journey","link" : "/uni-life/support/"},{"title" : "Why Huddersfield?","link" : "/uni-life/why-huddersfield/"},{"title" : "Visit us at Open Days","link" : "/open-days/"},{"title" : "Order a prospectus","link" : "/order-a-prospectus/"},{"title" : "Huddersfield Students’ Union","link" : "/uni-life/su/"},{"title" : "Student blogs","link" : "http://blogs.hud.ac.uk/students/"},{"title" : "University experience: How to make the most of Uni life","link" : "/uni-life/experience/"},{"title" : "Thinking of commuting to Huddersfield?","link" : "/uni-life/commuting-to-university/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Why choose Huddersfield?", "desc" : "as your first choice", "link" : "/uni-life/why-huddersfield/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-random" },{"title" : "Accommodation", "desc" : "We have great accommodation", "link" : "/uni-life/accommodation/", "rank" : "0", "icon" : "fas fa-bed" },{"title" : "Our campus", "desc" : "Explore our beautiful campus", "link" : "/uni-life/our-campus/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-industry" },{"title" : "Explore Hud", "desc" : "Location, location, location..", "link" : "/uni-life/explore-hud/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-arrows-alt" }],"cta" : { "html" : "", "buttontext" : "Read the blogs", "buttonlink" : "http://blogs.hud.ac.uk/students/" } },"Students/Staff/Hubs" : {"title" : "Students/Staff/Hubs","link" : "#","children" : [{"title" : "Unimail - student email","link" : "https://students.hud.ac.uk/studies/it/unimail/"},{"title" : "Togetherall","link" : "https://students.hud.ac.uk/help/wellbeing/247support/togetherall/ "},{"title" : "ActiveHud","link" : "https://active.hud.ac.uk/"},{"title" : "Brightspace","link" : "https://brightspace.hud.ac.uk"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Business", "desc" : "Information for businesses", "link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/business/", "rank" : "0", "icon" : "fas fa-briefcase" },{"title" : "Alumni", "desc" : "Resources for former students", "link" : "https://alumni.hud.ac.uk/", "rank" : "0", "icon" : "fas fa-graduation-cap" },{"title" : "Staff Hub", "desc" : "University staff network", "link" : "http://hud.ac/o1o", "rank" : "0", "icon" : "fas fa-user-circle" },{"title" : "Students", "desc" : "Resources for students", "link" : "https://students.hud.ac.uk/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-users" }],"cta" : { "html" : "", "buttontext" : "Login to MyHud", "buttonlink" : "https://myhud.hud.ac.uk/" } }}honeypot link
At the University of Huddersfield, we are committed to fostering a workplace where each one of our team members feels valued, engaged, and motivated to do their best. In line with this commitment, we are excited to announce the launch our staff pulse survey.
The pulse survey launched on Monday 4 March 2024 and is a short survey, consisting of 17 questions. The survey will explore your views on your working life, job satisfaction, management, and wellbeing through honest and anonymous individual responses.
Feedback from the survey will enable us to monitor how we are progressing against our local action plans and assess our strengths as well as uncover opportunities for further improvement.
How do I complete?
You will have received an email notification from Cultural Amp (survey provider) with a link to access the survey. We really hope you’ll take 10 minutes to provide your confidential feedback by answering the questions thoughtfully and leaving comments if you want to expand on an answer.
Is it confidential?
Yes completely. Your survey responses and subsequent findings and data are held by Culture Amp on a secure external website. Individual responses cannot be reviewed and only departments and managers with five or more responses will get an overall report.
This really is a great opportunity to provide your feedback and we hope you will take the time to complete the survey.
If you would like to know more, or have any questions, please contact Hannah Archer, Staff Engagement Manager, h.archer@hud.ac.uk