Race Equality Week - 5 - 11 February 2024

race equality week 2024 logo

Race Equality Week is an annual movement observed by employers in the UK to highlight and address the barriers to race equality in the workplace. This year's theme is #ListenActChange, intended to galvanise organisations to focus on taking meaningful action. We would like to invite colleagues at the University to take part in the week by participating in Race Equality Week's activities, helping us to unite and address racial barriers in the workplace as a whole.

How can I get involved as an individual at the University?

Complete the 5-day challenge - 5 challenges, for 5 minutes over 5 days! 

For each day, you can view the PDF workbooks linked below, which include an activity to engage with each day of Race Equality Week - including questions, videos and resources to help you participate and reflect on how you can help progress race equality and be an ally going forward. 

Monday 5th - Day 1: Microaggressions
Tuesday 6th - Day 2: Different Cultures
Wednesday 7th - Day 3: Public Praise 
Thursday 8th - Day 4: A Culture of Belonging
Friday 9th - Day 5: The Big Promise

For further resources on race equality in the workplace, you can also try taking our LearnUpon module, ‘Let’s Talk About Race in the Workplace'. The module helps learners understand that racism is not just about explicit racist language, abuse, or discrimination - it can also take the form of inadvertent biases ingrained in the way organisations and society is run. The module is available for all staff to undertake. 


#MyNameIs Campaign

#MyNameIs campaign logo

Looking for more ways to highlight Race Equality Week? The #MyNameIs campaign is quick, easy, and a great way to raise awareness at work. 

73% of people report having had their name mispronounced. Regardless of the reason, it is hurtful to those affected. Race Equality Matters established the #MyNameIs campaign to raise awareness of introducing phonetic spellings as standard. 

You can use this guide to phonetic spelling to learn your own name - why not try adding it to your email signature, and encouraging your team to do the same? 


B.A.M.E. Staff Network

If you would like to get involved at the University, our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Network is an opportunity for staff who share a protected characteristic to network, share information, and obtain peer support. Our network members also have the chance to get involved with equality initiatives such as Black History Month. To find out more about this network, please contact Berenice Golding (Acting Chair). 

Click here to read about the University's work around ethnicity and race