Carers Week is an annual campaign running from the 5th - 11th of June 2023 to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout Kirklees and the UK.   The theme for Carers Week 2023 is 'Recognising and supporting carers in the community'. 

Everyone can help raise awareness of caring and make sure carers are able to access the information and support they need through Carers Count and local & National services.  It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much needed support. 

Carers Count provides the carer support service in Kirklees, and they want to raise awareness of their plans for Carers Week 2023 in the hope it will help them to reach families and carers across Kirklees to access the support they need.


Activities in Kirklees

Please see the attached weekly planner of activities. Carers Count are holding a drop-in event to kick start carers week at Empire House in Dewsbury. Need one-to-one support, advice & information, advocacy support, and learn about support from other local services all in one place while enjoying a cuppa.

Carers Count organises lots of exciting events, support groups and classes throughout the year. Click this link to find out more!


Carers Lunch & Learn – 7th June, 13.00-14.00  

Carers Count are offering an online Lunch and Learn event during Carers Week specifically talking about support for carers.  You will find out lots of information on local services in Kirklees here to support you in your caring journey.

Click this link to book your place!