A group of students, staff and a police officer stood in a line.

Earlier this month a group of students and staff accompanied Campus Support and Security team members on a walk round campus, to assess campus security and safety.

The student and staff representatives were impressed with the lighting and other safety and security measures in place on campus to support them, including:

  • 24/7 security presence
  • Security patrols
  • Campus wide CCTV
  • 24/7 safe space in Harold Wilson Reception, by the Security Control Hub
  • Multiple places to report issues or concerns –

A few new issues were raised, which will be looked at by the team over the coming weeks. 

Some of the previous requests and issues identified which have been completed include:

  • Reducing height/amount of foliage in areas to enable easier line of sight.
  • Improved physical and electronic security on secure cycle stores (Charles Sykes and Sparck Jones).
  • Cycle security events. 
  • Additional patrols by police and campus security staff.
  • Improved/additional lighting (where permitted).

Security and Campus Support staff and Supervisors being given bespoke security training.

Two students talking a police officer, outside on campus.

The above and more has led to the University delivering high levels of safety and security for students and staff. We were delighted to receive the results of the latest International Student Barometer survey that told us when our students were asked about “Feeling safe and secure on campus” we scored an impressive 97.9%, placing us 6th in UK for Universities that ran the survey and 34th in the world for this element.

Finally I would like to remind all students, staff and visitors to campus that we are all part of the security team – if you see or experience anything of concern please report  it to the Control Hub Estates.Control@hud.ac.uk or 01484 472221 (472222 in an emergency) and we will respond.

Many thanks

Martin Falsey

Security Services Manager