We are delighted to host this latest event in our webinar series showcasing nurse-led research in collaboration with NHS England and NHS Improvement. Join us on the 29 March 2022 as we place the spotlight on the leadership of nurses in mental health related research.

The aims of this event are:

  • increase knowledge and understanding of research undertaken by the nursing community in relation to mental health
  • provide inspiration and promote pride in what nursing has achieved through research leadership
  • provoke thinking about the implications of research and future research priorities that improve outcomes in physical and mental health


Visit Nursing research matters – mental health webinar for more details and to book your place.



The session is particularly relevant to:

  • nurses involved in the delivery of patient care and management of health and care services
  • clinical academics and research nurses working in health and care organisations
  • nursing academics and nurse researchers working in higher education institutions


However, topics that impact on nursing also impact on other aspects of health and social care, and colleagues from other professional groups and disciplines are welcome to participate.

This webinar is in response to recommendations from attendees at two previous NHS webinars.

This event will be opened by Professor Mark Radford (follow Professor Mark Radford on Twitter), Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England and Chief Nurse Health Education England.

Three experienced researchers will then explore gaps in our knowledge and the methods they are using to address these. Each presenter will share and analyse the early findings from their work in order to stimulate discussion on the implications for practice, service delivery, education, workforce development and well-being, and patient experience. There will also be the opportunity to pose questions to the panelists.

The event will be hosted by the School of Human and Health Sciences at the University of Huddersfield, UK and will be chaired by the School’s Acting Dean, Professor Nick Hardiker, (PhD, RN, CMgr, FHEA, FACMI, FAAN) (follow Professor Nick Hardiker on Twitter).



  • Professor Fiona Nolan (follow Professor Fiona Nolan on Twitter), Clinical Professor in Mental Health, Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine & Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University
    Presentation title: Nurse-led research and education in a low-income country - the Mongolian experience
  • Professor Liz Hughes (follow Professor Liz Hughes on Twitter), Professor of Nursing and Lead for Clinical Academic Careers, School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University, Visiting Professor at School of Healthcare at University of Leeds, and Adjunct Professor at School of Nursing at La Trobe, Melbourne Australia
    Presentation title: Research at the Intersection of mental health, sexuality, sexual health and sexual violence


This series of webinars support the delivery of the ‘Making Research Matter – The Chief Nursing Officer for England’s Strategic Plan for Research’. The plan is for all nurses working in health and social care, whether they are already or thinking about getting involved in research, colleagues in academia, and the third sector and all those who support research. It sets out the CNO’s ambition to “create a people-centred research environment that empowers nurses to lead, participate in and deliver research, where research is fully embedded in practice and professional decision making, for public benefit”. Visit the NHS England and NHS Improvement website to find out more.

Visit Nursing research matters – mental health webinar for more details and to book your place.

University of Huddersfield Inspiring global professional School of Human and Health Sciences Supported by: NHS Mental Health