This Too Shall Pass - with Julia Samuel
Tuesday 6 July - Online via Zoom
7.00pm UK time
Tickets: Open to all with optional donation
Can changing the way we respond to change help us be happier and cope better in tough times?
At this event, Julia Samuel will explore the inevitability of change in our lives and how our reactions to it can help or hinder us in our journey. Julia is a grief psychotherapist and counsellor who has worked with children, families and individuals navigating change and loss of all kinds. She believes that we are better able to cope with change when we accept that it is an inevitable part of life. The bad - and also the good - times will pass, and we need to be better equipped to navigate them.
Julia will review some of the major life changes we all experience, particularly in light of the current Covid crisis, and provide insights and practical advice on how to compassionately help ourselves on the path to acceptance and recovery.
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