Professor Dame Jane Jiang receives Honorary Doctorate from City, University of London

Future Metrology Hub Director Jane Jiang was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by City, University of London in recognition of her outstanding contribution to science and technology, and leadership in higher education at a ceremony on 16 July 2019.

In her address to graduands after receiving her honorary degree, Professor Dame Jiang advised them to continue to build on the foundation of their newly acquired degrees, to do lots of reading, undertake research and have a curious mind, always asking ‘why’.   

From 1994 to 1995, Professor Dame Jiang was a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Measurement and Instrumentation at City, sponsored by the British Council. Over the last 20 years she has been supportive of the research work at City, as an examiner, referee and role model for their students. She has maintained close contact with several senior academic staff members at City.

Prof Dame Jane Jiang receives honorary award