Hub Student awarded prestigious Heidenhain Scholarship

Future Metrology Hub PhD student Ali Iqbal has been awarded a Heidenhain Scholarship by The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN)  for EUSPEN’s 20th international conference and exhibition which was to be held at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland from  8th – 12th June 2020 . However due to the current circumstances arising out of COVID-19 , the conference was held virtually so the  scholarship will be formally awarded and recognized  at the international conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2021.  


This year the scholarship has been awarded to scholars from 10 International Higher Education Institutions in eight different countries. Scholarships are awarded to researchers in recognition of strong academic accomplishment and significant potential in the field of metrology, precision manufacturing, sensors, machine tools, automation and measuring instruments performance.

Ali presented his paper “Performance Evaluation of Low-Cost vibration sensors in precision manufacturing” as the primary author and “In-Situ Displacement Measurement for use in LHC Collimators” as a contributing author at this year’s EUSPEN international conference.

Ali is in the second year of his PhD, working on his thesis entitled “Control Model for residue uncertainties produced by disparate sensors” and is supervised by DR NAEEM MIAN, PROF ANDREW LONGSTAFF and DR SIMON FLETCHER. His research is supported by UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)’s Future Metrology Hub.

Two of Ali’s fellow researchers, Nurudeen Alegeh and Tom Furness from Centre for Precision Technologies (CPT) and Engineering Control and Machine Performance (ECMPG), also presented their work at the EUSPEN conference this year.

Further details of the scholarship can be found on the website link below.