Educate North Awards 2024: University wins diversity and equality prize

University of Huddersfield Logo

(Image: ER Photography)

The University of Huddersfield has triumphed at the Educate North Awards 2024 winning the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion award.

Judges praised the University’s unique Global Professional Award (GPA), which is a ground-breaking, innovative employability and enterprise programme that adopts a holistic approach to student development.

They said: “This is an innovative employability and enterprise programme which addresses the potential barriers faced by students, in particular those who are first-in-family graduates from less-privileged socio-economic backgrounds.  A strong submission with impressive scale, illustrating a fantastic initiative for skills – GPA and CMI awards.  This is increasingly becoming expected of Universities and here, the institution has embedded something distinctive and impactful.  Great work.”

Launched in 2019, GPA was designed through collaboration with students, careers and student services staff and academic teams. It interlinks themes of employability, enterprise, well-being, and global and social awareness, to enrich all Huddersfield undergraduates’ opportunities for academic and graduate success.

GPA is a three-year programme, validated through the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), to which the majority of full-time undergraduates are automatically enrolled. Students attend workshops each term with dedicated GPA trainers, and also access a range of self-directed learning materials to supplement their learning.

This is all aimed at increasing confidence and capabilities to develop high-performing and socially conscious graduates. It has been particularly successful in engaging students who do not traditionally participate in student development initiatives.

All students who successfully complete the GPA programme graduate with a Level 5 CMI Award in leadership and management providing a tangible addition to their prospects in competitive graduate roles.

Claire Aydogan, Head of Careers and Employability at the University of Huddersfield, who was part of the team accepting the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Award on the night, said: “We are delighted with this award to be recognised for our work around EDI. In today’s rapidly evolving world fostering diversity, equality and inclusion is paramount for individuals and organisations to achieve success. This award not only celebrates a unique high-quality programme, delivered by an inspirational team but more importantly recognises our aim to unlock our students' full potential, be empowered and thrive in their chosen futures.”

A group from the University of Huddersfield being presented with an award Celebrations as the team from the University of Huddersfield accept the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion award at the Educate North Awards 2024 for the University’s Global Professional Award programme

The University of Huddersfield was also shortlisted at the Educate North Awards 2024 in the Business School of the Year and Apprenticeship Award categories.

The Awards, in their tenth year, aim to celebrate, recognise and share best practice and excellence in the education sector in the North.

The ceremony itself was held on 18 April in Manchester with over 20 awards being handed out on the night.


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