Huddersfield Business School launched the Help to Grow Management programme earlier this year to support SMEs in taking their business to the next level. The course was so successful, businesses that have taken part have recommended other SMEs follow suit. The School is now looking forward to welcoming a second cohort onto the programme which is due to commence 4 October 

BUSINESSES who have taken part in a Government-backed programme to support SMEs in taking their business to the next level, taught by Huddersfield Business School at the University of Huddersfield, are recommending other SMEs to follow suit following their successful completion of the course. 

Called the Help to Grow Management programme, the course is available to senior managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who wish to enhance their abilities to lead the growth of their business. The programme supports them with the leadership skills needed to boost their business performance, resilience, and long-term growth in just 12 weeks. 

The programme is 90% funded by the Government, meaning businesses only have £750 to pay. Businesses with ten employees or more can enrol a second person on the course for a reduced fee of £375, thanks to a bursary from Huddersfield Business School. 

Help to Grow Management can only be delivered by business schools with the Small Business Charter (SBC) accreditation and is a recognised mark of a business school’s commitment to supporting SMEs and their local economy. 

The practical 12-week course has been designed to be managed alongside full-time employment and offers one-to-one mentoring, 32 hours of in-depth online and face-to-face teaching, and access to an alumni network of other local businesses.

Hear from the businesses that took part in the programme when it was first launched in May earlier this year.  They reveal how they found the course, what the tutors are like, what they learnt and how they were able to apply that to their own businesses.

The first cohort of the Help to Grow Management Course, that commenced in May earlier this year, has recently completed the course and the feedback received has demonstrated just how valuable the participants found the course to be. 

Andrew Folan from Heat Pump Installers UK said the course was great and highly recommends other SMEs to take part. 

“Even though our businesses are from different industries, business is business and I’ve learned a lot from other business owners on the course. Our tutors were fantastic and my mentor, Lisa Lister, Co-Founder of Culco, even more so. Thanks to all who helped and mentored me along the way,” said Andrew. 

Towndoor's Jack Dixon said the course has helped him to not only grow as a leader but also to develop the business in a way that is of benefit to Towndoor’s current customer base as well as helping them gain new customers or clients. 

“Working alongside people who are involved in other businesses really opened up the things you learn about within the course and also gives another perspective on how they run things, how you can maybe apply certain parts of that with what you learn,” said Jack. 

David Heathcote, from Innerva, said it was a great opportunity to work alongside other businesses taking part in the Help to Grow programme. 

“They all had a different experience, whether they were a start-up, or a very experienced company, we all had the chance to learn from each other and it was a great way to actually absorb the content of the course.” 

The University of Huddersfield’s Dr Nicola Stenburg, Director of Executive Education within Huddersfield Business School, said it was pleasure to offer the programme to businesses within the region and that the School is looking forward to welcoming the second cohort of SMEs onto the Help to Grow Management Programme which is due to commence 4 October 2022.

To apply for the programme starting in October or for more information about the course visit:

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