Huddersfield Business School launches government-backed programme to support SMEs in taking their business to the next level. 

Huddersfield Business School is now delivering the government’s Help to Grow: Management course, to enhance senior managers’ abilities to lead the growth of their business and support them with the leadership skills needed to boost their business performance, resilience and long-term growth.

Help to Grow is 90% funded by the government and can only be delivered by business schools with Small Business Charter accreditation - a recognised mark of a business school’s commitment to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their local economy.  

The practical 12-week course is designed to be managed alongside full-time employment and offers 1-2-1 mentoring, 32 hours of in-depth online and face to face teaching and access to an alumni network of other local businesses.

Huddersfield Business School is committed to supporting the growth and development of local businesses and organisations in the Kirklees region and strives to strengthen external relationships.

Dr Nic Stenberg

Director of Executive Education at Huddersfield Business School

“I’m really delighted that Help to Grow: Management has finally come here to Huddersfield. It’s a programme that can make a direct contribution to the growth and development of SMEs in our area. We think it is going to be a really good opportunity to build local business networks. We will get to know the participating organisations better, they get to know us, and they get to know each other and support each other with their business ambitions”.

In this video, Dr Nic Stenberg, Director of Executive Education at Huddersfield Business School, gives an overview of the Help to Grow: Management programme.

Help to Grow is part of the government’s plans to make the UK the best place in the world to start, scale-up and grow a business. The programme will support SMEs in leadership, innovation, digital adoption, employee engagement, marketing, responsible business, and financial management and will assist businesses with the development of a growth plan which will help them lead their business to release its potential.

Speaking about why they’ve joined the programme, Nemi Alexis, Senior Marketing Manager at Stafflex Recruitment said: “I’m new to a senior management position and I felt this experience would help me further my knowledge and understanding of the strategic direction in how to take the business forward”.

Small business owner of Beanie Media, Melissa Roberts, added: “I’m hoping to gain some more insight and information on how to grow a team, how to find the right people for your team and general skills in leadership management that I can apply as we grow as a company".

The first Help to Grow cohort launched this month with 15 businesses from a range of industries.

Towndoor Limited; IK Sport Classic; Corrosion Resistant Products Ltd; Involution LimitedBeanie Media; Bondmor Innovations Ltd; Global Doors and Interiors Ltd; Love Handmade Cakes Ltd; BCA Leisure Ltd; Stafflex Limited; Heat pump installers UK; Eat Out Round About; Shapemaster Global Ltd; Heck! Food LTDSMITH

If you’re interested in joining our September cohort, please contact for more information, or visit the Help to Grow website to register.