The University of Huddersfield is launching its own Apprenticeship Awards to celebrate the excellence of its students working as apprentices as part of their courses.

Tying in with National Apprenticeship Week, the awards will also recognise the contribution made by employers who have taken on apprentices from the university.

The awards particularly acknowledge the efforts made by apprentices and employers under the trying circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has presented major challenges for both parties around apprenticeship schemes from the University.

One example of an apprenticeship involving the University is the Urgent and Emergency Care Nursing Associate Apprenticeship, launched in 2020.

There are different categories with prizes available - the winners of ‘Apprentice of the Year’ and ‘Apprentice Ambassador of the Year’ will each receive a framed award certificate and shopping vouchers. The ‘Employer of the Year’ winners will receive a framed award certificate and engraved glassware acknowledging their achievement.

Anyone who wants to submit a nomination can do so from 7 March by clicking on any of the categories, linked in the rest of this article.

Level 5 Apprentice of the Year

  • Level 5 apprentice that has made an outstanding contribution to their job or workplace

Level 6 Apprentice of the Year

  • Level 6 apprentice that has made an outstanding contribution to their job or workplace

Level 7 Apprentice of the Year

  • Level 7 apprentice that has made an outstanding contribution to their job or workplace

Large Employer of the Year

  • The large employer (more than 100 employees) who invests in apprenticeship talent to enhance the service they provide to their customers or service users

Small Employer of the Year

  • The small employer (fewer than 100 employees) who invests in apprenticeship talent to enhance the service they provide to their customers or service users

Apprenticeship Ambassador

  • Individuals who champion apprenticeships at all times and who contribute to the success of apprentices in the workplace

How to nominate

The award application for each category will contain three brief questions about the nominee’s achievements and why the nominee deserves to win. All nominations will be anonymised and judged by a panel of colleagues from across the university. The award applications will be open for six weeks from 9am on Monday 7 March until 5pm on Friday 22 April.


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