Students from across the University of Huddersfield have bonded over their love of sport at the institution's first Inter-School Sports Tournament.

The University's six schools were represented, with the Inter-Schools Cup going to the School of Computing and Engineering after fierce competition in volleyball, table tennis and badminton towards the end of the autumn term.

Organised and arranged by Active Hud, the University’s sports division, and International Student Experience Manager Alan Tobi, students from overseas and the UK made new friendships through their love of sport and representing their school.

Sid Fletcher, ActiveHud Sports and Participation Manager, said, "I am really proud of all the staff and volunteers involved from both ActiveHud and our International Office team in organising the first Inter-Schools competition of its kind. Sport and physical activity are a powerful tool to create friendships and communities, and that was on display throughout the day." 

A female student playing badminton

BA(Hons) Computer Games Design student Ewan Miller, from Loughborough, added, "I really appreciated the Uni running the event. Just getting away from work and studies for a bit, doing something different, something active, I really needed it.  

"I came along with a friend and also met new friends, and as it turns out I had the chance to play my friend - and to my despair I lost to him. I had fun at the event, and it is clear that the best athletes come from School of Computing."

Facebook: UoH Campus Events 
Facebook: ActiveHud 


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