Pictured above left to right are; Sabrina Murray, Hannah Spencer-Chung, Jill Charlesworth, Emma Clarkson and Helena Namini. Natasha Berry not pictured above is also part of the team.

Huddersfield Business School’s Employability and Placement Team was recently named as the Best University Placement Service at the National Undergraduate Employability Awards for 2021.

Rate My Placement hosted the annual National Undergraduate Employability (NUE) Awards on 25 February, where the University's Employability and Placement Team was rewarded for their work supporting around 750 students.

The NUE Awards celebrates the contributions made by UK University placement services who have gone above and beyond to help a small cohort of students to apply and maximise their work experience opportunities.

This year's awards were hosted online, with the Huddersfield team taking the award ahead of four other Universities from across the UK.

“We're so proud to have been selected as a finalist from over 400 nominations received for the NUE Awards, so to then go on to be announced as the winner of this award feels like a truly amazing achievement," said Helena Namini, Huddersfield Business School’s Employability and Placements Officer.

"The determination of the Employability and Placement Team sees us work all year round to bring support to our students. As a team, we always strive to find creative ways in which we can continue to develop and improve our service and engage with students on matters of building their employability potential throughout their time with Huddersfield Business School.

"To receive this national recognition really is an honour and verifies the team's amazing work, as well as recognising the capabilities accomplished through collaborative working with teams across both the School and University.”

The team won the award due to their hand-in-hand work with academic staff, which has garnered great success through the Aspire module and industry-recognised BMC module. The team have also worked incredibly hard on initiatives such as Working Week, a work experience scheme for first-year students, and the Enhancing Employability Award, which enables students to gain valuable employability skills and experience to help them secure placements.

They offer substantial support for first, second and placement year students, raising awareness of the importance of employability and building a culture of placements at the University.

Everyone at the University offers their congratulations on an amazing achievement.

NUE winner badge


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