Huddersfield Business School has partnered with the Institute of Hotel Management in Aurangabad, a city in Maharashtra State, India, for over 20 years. Students there undertake Culinary Arts BA(Hons) and Hotel Management BA(Hons) obtaining their degrees from the University of Huddersfield. Their graduation takes place each February, and Professor Jane Owen-Lynch (PVC Teaching and Learning) and Professor Jill Johnes (Dean Huddersfield Business School) recently visited Aurangabad to officiate at the graduation ceremony which took place on Saturday 23 February. Also present at the ceremony was Mrs Fatma Zakaria who received an honorary doctorate from the University of Huddersfield last year.

Professor Jill Johnes commented: ‘It’s always a pleasure to visit the Institute. I have really enjoyed meeting and talking to the students and graduates here, and I am always impressed by the dedication and achievements of our Huddersfield students in Aurangabad.’

Professor Jill Johnes with graduates of the Institute of Hotel Management. Professor Jill Johnes (left) with graduates of the Institute of Hotel Management
Professor Jill Johnes (front row, right of centre) with graduates of the Institute of Hotel Management