Holocaust Survivor Talk – Arek Hersh

Sunday 3 March

Arek Hersh was born in Poland in 1930.  Arek survived forced labour and the Lodz Ghetto before being deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944.

After forced labour in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, Arek was taken on a march to Buchenwald and from there to Czechoslovakia. By the time he was liberated from Theresienstadt aged just 15, Arek was an orphan. His parents, siblings and over 70 members of his family had been murdered, most at the Chelmno death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Arek came to the UK in August 1945 with a group of 300 children brought to Windermere in the Lake District. He settled in the UK and made Yorkshire his home with his wife Jean and their three children.

We are privileged to host Arek at the Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre. Arek’s story features in our exhibition and he has been an active speaker for HSFA over many years.

The talk begins at 2.00pm and lasts approximately one hour, with time for questions.  Areks’s story features in the Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre which will be open to visitors from 12 – 4pm. The talk is suitable for all age groups but the exhibition contains images of concentration camps and is not suitable for children under 12. Visitors under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. The exhibition includes a film which contains flashing images.

The talk is priced at £6 (£4 concessions). Tickets must be booked in advance. Book your place.

The Holocaust Survivors’ Friendship Association is a registered charity.  All income is reinvested to support our education work. Visits to the exhibition are free.

Arek Hersh Young
Arek Hersh