The lecture will be delivered by Dr Whyeda Gill-McLure, Wolverhampton University and will outline the Whitley recommendations tracing the rise of Whitleyism to underlying currents in public opinion and wartime preoccupations. It then looks back (1880s-1917) at the struggle by public service unions against low pay and sweated labour to show why Whitleyism offered such hope. It then looks forward to the present to examine the evolution of Whitleyism and its legacy in public services. It concludes that the notion of the public sector as ‘good employer’ became an intrinsic part of public service Whitleyism and its erosion over 40 years helps to explain the current crisis in the sector.

The lecture will begin at 6.00pm with refreshments being served from 5.15pm. The venue for the lecture is the Buckley Lecture Theatre situated in the Researcher Hub which can be found on our Campus Map.

Please note that there is no parking available on campus apart from Blue Badge parking. Parking is available after 5.00pm at Queen Street Studios which can also be seen on the campus map (next to building 32).

The lecture is free to attend, but please note that places are limited so please register your attendance.