Thursday 22 November, 3-6pm
OA4/01 Oastler Building

Booking is now open for the first of our Postgraduate Study Fairs, Thursday 22 November, 3-6pm in OA4/01 Oastler Building.

Postgraduate degrees and research are challenging, inspiring and can make a huge difference to your professional life.  And they are now more accessible than you might think - in fact the University offers Huddersfield graduates exclusive 10% discounts on postgraduate taught programmes.  If you’re interested in learning why the average starting salary of Huddersfield postgraduates is £28.7K (DHLE 2016/17), book your place on our Postgraduate Study Fair on Thursday 22 November, 3-6pm.  You can enjoy complimentary team and cake while chatting with academic staff and explore the financial support you can access.

You’ll also be able to:

  • Find out about our exclusive 10% alumni discount for continuing students studying taught postgraduate studies and our Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for research studies
  • Learn about the Government loans for taught Master’s and PhDs
  • Get support on making your application to a taught Master’s or Doctorate.

International students can get additional support with extending their visas and apply for postgraduate study without going through the full application process.  Scholarships of up to £4,000 are available for Huddersfield international students progressing onto postgraduate studies or research at the University.

Book now!