The University’s Temporary Contemporary art exhibitions in the Huddersfield’s Queensgate Market was named Innovation of the Year in the National Association of British Market Authorities awards

The Market Showcase exhibition space in Queensgate Market, part of the Temporary Contemporary Intiative

AN ONGOING partnership between the University of Huddersfield and Kirklees Council is making art more accessible to the general public by transforming vacant stalls in Queensgate Market into exhibition spaces for art and visual culture and has won a national award in light of its achievements.

The initiative, entitled Temporary Contemporary, was named as Innovation of the Year in the Blachere Market Awards by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA).  NABMA is the UK’s leading markets organisation and their work promotes markets on the national stage.

The project was introduced to the market in April 2018 as an idea by the University’s Professor Donal Fitzpatrick, Head of the Department of Art and Communication, Kirklees Council’s Creative Economy Manager Kath Davies and Chris Cotton, Markets Manager for Kirklees Markets.  The project was led by University senior lecturer Dr Rowan Bailey from the Department of Art and Communication.

The success of Temporary Contemporary has led to a full programme of exhibits and events, in three distinct spaces around the market.  It was this continued approach to arts and visual culture programming which won the recognition from NABMA.  

Since the initiative began, not only has contemporary art been brought into the town centre for the public to view and enjoy for free, it has also provided the University’s staff and students with the opportunity to showcase their creativity and practice in two exhibition spaces, entitled Market Hardware and Market Gallery.

The third and newest addition to the programme is Market Showcase.  This exhibition space will showcase the talent and work submitted by local creatives and will appear in a variety of vacant market stalls as and when they become available. 

Professor Fitzpatrick has witnessed the success of the project and says the market ‘has become a hub for fruitful exchanges as visitors continue to engage in debate, around the nature of the projects on display, even after they leave’.

The region’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration Councillor Peter McBride said the NABMA award comes at an important time when high streets across the UK are seen to be in decline.

“This is just one example of where the area of Kirklees continues to lead the way as the Markets Team, with the help of the University, continues to develop, grow and push the boundaries of what a market should be,” he said.

  • More information about Temporary Contemporary can be find on the website.

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