Huddersfield Business School is nearing the half way point of its Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project with local bed manufacturer Deluxe Beds Ltd. The KTP project, supervised by Operations Management Senior Lecturer Jim Bamford, aims to improve the operational agility of the organisation enabling them to achieve their ambitious profitability targets.

During September, KTP Associate Dr Sammar Javed organised for the University’s Vice Chancellor Professor Bob Cryan to visit Deluxe Beds. The company executives were delighted to share the improvements made by the organisation through the partnership; with the Vice Chancellor sharing various new ideas for collaboration and knowledge sharing that could benefit both the company and the KTP project in the future.

Professor Bob Cryan visiting Deluxe Beds Ltd

Deluxe Beds would like to thank the Vice Chancellor and the University for their support thus far, and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.

For more information on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, please visit the Business Development team in CS1/03 or email

Professor Bob Cryan with staff at Deluxe Beds Ltd L to R: Muhammad Ishaq (Company’s Secretary), Muhammad Hussain Loonat (Company Executive), Professor Bob Cryan (Vice Chancellor, University of Huddersfield), Mrs Razak (Managing Director), James Appleyard (Sales Director), Sammar Javed (KTP Associate)