The Business School was pleased to receive five academic visitors from Fujian Normal University, China (on 28 November) for the first time.  The two sides are exploring possible future co-operation in teaching and research.

Discussions were held with the Dean, Professor Jill Johnes and the Associate Dean (International), Professor John Anchor.  

Professor Johnes says:   “this  was the first time that we had met; so it was very much a “getting to know you” event. Nevertheless, a good rapport was established, I think. I am looking forward to our future discussions.”

Professor Anchor says: “our visitors were impressed  by our new facilities. They particularly liked the Law Court Room and the Executive Suite, neither of which was familiar territory for them. In China, most teaching is teacher centred; so these facilities were a bit of an eye opener”. 

Fujian Normal University Visit Huddersfield Business School Dean presents a water colour of the Charles Sikes building to Professor Jiang Xinshan, Director of the International Office, Fujian Normal University