", "buttontext" : "Find out more", "buttonlink" : "/clearing/" } },"Undergraduate" : {"title" : "Undergraduate","link" : "/undergraduate/","children" : [{"title" : "Undergraduate Fees and Finance","link" : "/undergraduate/fees-and-finance/"},{"title" : "Chat with our students","link" : "/chat-with-our-students/"},{"title" : "Degree apprenticeships","link" : "/apprenticeships/"},{"title" : "How to apply","link" : "/undergraduate/how-to-apply/"},{"title" : "Open Days","link" : "/open-days/undergraduate/"},{"title" : "Parents and carers","link" : "/undergraduate/parents-and-carers/"},{"title" : "Placements","link" : "/undergraduate/placements/"},{"title" : "Schools and Colleges Liaison Service","link" : "/undergraduate/schools-and-colleges-liaison-service/"},{"title" : "Student blogs","link" : "http://blogs.hud.ac.uk/students/"},{"title" : "UCAS exhibitions","link" : "/undergraduate/ucasexhibitions/"},{"title" : "Undergraduate courses","link" : 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"/postgraduate/flexible-study/"},{"title" : "Funding your studies","link" : "/postgraduate/funding-studies/"},{"title" : "Research degrees","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/research-degrees/"},{"title" : "How to apply","link" : "/postgraduate/how-to-apply/"},{"title" : "Research degrees","link" : "/postgraduate/research/"},{"title" : "Enhance your career","link" : "/postgraduate/enhance-your-career/"},{"title" : "Types of study","link" : "/postgraduate/types-of-study/"},{"title" : "Specialist Support","link" : "/postgraduate/specialist-support/"},{"title" : "Fees and finance","link" : "/postgraduate/fees-and-finance/"},{"title" : "Continuing your studies","link" : "/postgraduate/continuing-your-studies/"},{"title" : "Postgraduate blog","link" : "http://blogs.hud.ac.uk/students/postgraduate/"},{"title" : "Degree apprenticeships","link" : "/apprenticeships/"},{"title" : "Chat with our students","link" : "/chat-with-our-students/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Why choose Huddersfield?", 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"/international/your-global-community/"},{"title" : "Connect with your regional officer","link" : "/international/connect-with-your-regional-officer/"},{"title" : "Applicants ","link" : "/international/applicants/"},{"title" : "International Arrival and Enrolment ","link" : "/international/leaving-for-the-uk/"},{"title" : "Meet Us","link" : "/international/meet-us/"},{"title" : "International Information Day","link" : "/international/international-information-day/"},{"title" : "Chat with our students","link" : "/chat-with-our-students/"},{"title" : "Visa and Immigration","link" : "/international/immigration/"},{"title" : "YourHud","link" : "/international/your-hud/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Courses and entry requirements", "desc" : "Explore our course portfolio ", "link" : "/international/courses-and-entry-requirements/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-language" },{"title" : "Fees and funding ", "desc" : "Discover our competitive fees ", "link" : 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There will be four changes to building names this summer, all signage and references to the buildings on maps etc will be updated ready for the start of term.
Canalside East will become the Haslett Building (HA)
Dame Caroline Harriet Haslett, was an English electrical engineer, electricity industry administrator and champion of women's rights. She was the first secretary of the Women's Engineering Society and the founder and editor of its journal, The Woman Engineer.
Canalside West will become the Spärck Jones Building (SJ)
Karen Ida Boalth Spärck Jones was born in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England. During her career in Computer Science, she campaigned hard for more women to enter computing.
Ramsden workshops will become the Cockcroft Building (CO)
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, a British physicist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1951 for splitting the atomic nucleus with Ernest Walton, and was instrumental in the development of nuclear power.
The Business School will become the Charles Sikes Building (CS)
Charles Sikes, a banker working for the Huddersfield Banking Company, he started the Penny Savings Bank inside the Mechanics’ Institute in 1850. This went on to become the Post Office Savings Bank.
The new building codes will simply replace the existing codes for all buildings, room numbers will not change, except in the Business School, where some internal remodelling is taking place. Timetable information will be updated by the central timetabling team. Please note that there will also be a change to the current room number for the Buckley Lecture theatre in the Researcher Hub (currently CSL/G01) which will become RHG/11.