Dr Carol Johnstone has been made a visiting professor at Huddersfield University. She works at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, in Chicago,  and also as a director of the Particle Accelerator Corporation.

Carol has many succesful designs to her credit, and she was responsible for the principle of the nsFFAG - a new type of simple and compact particle accelerator, of which the EMMA machine at Daresbury is the prototype.

Roger Barlow, of the IIAA, said "Working with Carol on EMMA was great - and she's still full of ideas and enthusiasm. We're looking forward to working with her on new projects that will build on EMMA's success."

Carol made her first visit to Huddersfield last month, to discuss (among other things) the registration of a UK branch of the Particle Accelerator Corporation, based in the University Enterprise and Innovation Centre. 

Dr Carol Johnstone Dr Carol Johnstone