Who owns the research?

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1:00 PM, 2 November 2015 to 2:00 PM, 2 November 2015 at Harold Wilson Building, HWG/22, University of Huddersfield

Who owns the research? Attempting emancipatory research in an academic environment
Speaker: Dr Ruth Garbutt (University of Huddersfield) 

Abstract: Emancipatory research embodies an approach in which the subjects of the research have power in the research process. The researcher is situated as (only) one member of a team. Researchers provide methodological tools and skills to others involved in the research but, in its purest form, the definition of topic, data collection, data analysis and dissemination is conceived as a joint enterprise. This contradicts the view of the expert researcher prevalent within higher education establishments.

This talk will report on Dr Garbutt's own attempts, as an academic researcher in the field of disability, trying to be true to such an approach whilst, equally, trying to fulfil the expectations of an academic role. Dr Garbutt will draw on her PhD research around disability and citizenship (University of Hull) and her postdoctoral research around learning disability and sexuality (University of Leeds) to explore these issues